My heart goes out to En. Saudi Sulaiman from Muadzam Shah, Pahang, who lost his wife and all his four children in a tragic accident recently. It goes beyond words to try and imagine how big his lost was. His wife, Nor Faizah Mansur, 31, her four children and her younger brother died on the spot when the car that she was driving towards Pekan collided with a lorry. The Rescue team said the prime mover of the lorry was on top of the car's roof and it took them about 3 hours to get the bodies out from the wreck.

It is indeed a huge lost. Think about it. Yesterday, they were one as a family and now he's all alone. Who would he go back home to? Who would he laugh with? Who would he scold, for not finishing their school work? Who would he take out to the stores? Who would prepare his food for Sahur and Break Fasting during the Ramadhan? Who would prepare his clothes for the upcoming Raya celebration?
These are all the big things in life and yet some of us tend to take advantage of 'em. Don't ever think that saying "I Love You" to your spouse or your kids is 'not necessary' or that 'they should know'. You'd regret for not saying it, when they're gone. Don't ever say things that you might regret when you were quarelling...you'll never know when you'd be able to take those words back. Don't ever forget to say "I'm sorry" immediately after every quarrel (or scolding your kids)...for you might not know if you'd ever have the chance to say it. Don't ever lose the chance of looking into their face with love and affection, especially when they're asleep...for you might not know if you'd be able to look at them again tomorrow.
As the saying goes "We'd only learn to appreciate those that we love, when we have lost them". So, take heed of the tragic that has befallen En. Saudi. Embrace your loved ones now and tell them that you love them, with all your heart. Kids, learn to appreciate your parents and your siblings. Even if you despise them or you think you can live without them, you'd only know the difference...when they're gone.
Nor Faizah Mansur, 31
Nur Sahera Atikah Saudi, 13
Nor Safiana Atikah Saudi, 10
Nor Suhaila Asirah Saudi, 7
Md. Sahrul Amir Saudi, 3
Mohamad Saiful Anwar Mansur, 14
"(To the righteous soul will be said:) "O (thou) soul, in (complete) rest and satisfaction! Come back thou to thy Lord, well pleased (thyself), and well-pleasing unto Him! Enter thou, then, among My devotees! Yea, enter thou My Heaven!" - Al Fajr:27-30
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