It's been a while since I last updated this blog. Well, I've been a bit tied up with the upcoming Reunion 2010 for my ex-collegemates of ADBA(T), ITM, Classes of '84, '85, '86 and '87. It's gonna be held this Saturday in Concorde Shah Alam and I'm the sole organiser.
So lots of things need to be done, you see. Though most of my ex-classmates won't be able to make it, I'm sure we're gonna have a good time. If God permits. And hopefully things would go as planned. There'll be Door Gifts and lots of lucky draw prizes to be won.
Wow! I'm so excited!! I'm going off to Shah Alam tomorrow morning with the kids. Will be back on Sunday after attending a cousin's wedding in Hulu Kelang. Maybe, if time permits I'll drop off a few lines about the Reunion.
See ya! Til then, carpe diem baby!

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