Mak would always ensure that we have the best clothings and Abah would subscribe to our favourite comics....they were Beano and Dennis the Menace and later on, Mad. Mak would also bake our favourite cake when it's Raya time. Just say it, she'll bake it. She'll also make her own soya milk. She bought fresh cow milk from a Sikh, just to make sure that we had enough calcium.
Once in a while, I would stay with my Mak Long (Mak's elder sister) in Kuala Atok, a remote village off Lipis-Raub road. Mak Long and Pak Long had a paddy field; so often I would follow them to the field. There was a small river nearby and we'd go for a swim after they were done in the field. I didn't like the leeches but I loved the field birds that Pak Long would sometimes trap with a net. Deep fried....mmmm...yummy!
Even though I was a girl, I was given the freedom to run around with my bro. So we'd go into the rubber plantation (just next to Tok's house)...we'd go into the bushes...swim in the river.... play in the paddy field or in the leech-filled drains...and climb up trees (I was good at climbing trees..except the durian and coconut trees! He he). I was also given the freedom to participate in talent shows, as well as sports. And those were the earlier 'trainings' I had on self-confidence. Thanks to Mak and Abah, I experienced very little stage fright as I grew up. And for taking part in poetry recitals, story telling and 'Syair' since I was in primary school...I came to love literature!
Come to think of it...the earlier education that we received when we were kids would be the most 'remembered' because at that time our mind has yet to be developed so we used a lot of our sub-conscious mind. And only just recently did I learn that in NLP, the power of the sub-conscious mind is greater than the conscious mind. So there...instil the goodness of life in your children when they are still young, especially during their pre-school years. So that when they grow up and their minds start to work, they would always have that memory of the earlier 'education' they received. These earlier 'education' would also help to mould their personalities.
If they were tortured when they were young, not given the love and affection that they should have been given, not given enough attention; they'd grow up to be hostile and the tendency to turn their hostility on their own kids would be great. Worst, if those bad experiences affected their personality.

My conclusion is...Yes, love does play a role in churning out the person who I am today.
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