There's another way of putting it...something that goes like this "It's just not the same anymore". And what was that all about? Well, it's about the feeling that I got when I went to this Bowling Tournament organised by the company that I used to work with (my 'ex-employer' la...duhhh!!).
Not to say I was being outcasted. I knew a lot of 'em but somehow I didn't feel like I belong know. Not anymore. It used to be like 'Ooohhh...that's the event I organised and I played a major role in it...' but now it was just 'an event that I went to'. What was I doing there? husband still works there, ok. And he was one of the kegglers. I went to support him as well as meet some 'old' friends.
But then again, it's different now. Tho' I was happy that I went. It's just...different.

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