Tomorrow, Aug 31, 2010 Malaysia will celebrate her 53rd Independence Day. I've celebrated this day together with the country for as long as I lived. Apart from the history of how Malaysia gained her Independence, my only thought about this auspicious day is the celebrations on the day itself - parades, parades & parades.

Lately, there'll be performances, concerts, stage shows or even TV shows...during the night before. But perhaps because this year it is celebrated during the month of Ramadhan (fasting month for the Muslims), these performances would not happen.
As for myself, I've thought of being independent a long time ago...since I was a teenager. Because I was rigidly controlled by my parents; that I became a silent rebel. So when I finally gained my 'independence' back in 1987 (when I went to college), I realised that I can't be totally independent. And that independence could mean these three things:

I've taught myself to be mentally independent when I started working. That's when I started to adopt my own philosophies of life. So far, they have been proven to be the right philosophies (except one). I've never let anything or anyone control my mind. People can tell me what to do or how to do it...but whether or not I'll do it, is entirely up to me. So most of the time people would say that I'm hard-headed. I am who I am, what else can I say. Those who knew me well wouldn't say otherwise.

When I was fighting to get free from my parents, I started to free do I want to be? That's when I found out that I can't be totally free. For a Muslim, I am still confined to the teachings of Islam...the Al-Quran and the Al-Hadiths. Those are the two guides that I have to follow, whether I like it or not. But it is good. To have these guides. Because they would ensure that I shall not become astray from my purpose of living. So, yeah...I am NOT spiritually independent.
When I became rebellious, I've always thought that if I get married I would be physically free from my parents. But then again, I would still be confined to a husband. As a Muslim, the place for a wife is beside the husband. And she must do as he says. That's part of the reason why I married at such a late age. Haha. But since I'm married now, I realised that I can't be physically independent from my parents anyway. Because I would still need them to guide me and shelter me, sometimes.

But this year...I am embracing the meaning of 'Independent' in a whole new way. I am now independent of the 9 to 5 working hours...I am now independent of the corporate mentality....and I am now independent of the dirty and scamful 'office politics'. Finally...I gained my Independence...of some sort.
P/S: How do you define your 'Independence'?
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