I've just finished reading this book by Billi Lim - the so called Master of Failure. Read it once, a long time ago. But this time, I read it full-heartedly.
There's a part where he wrote "If Your Life Is Free of Failures, Maybe You Are Not Taking Enough Risk". Come to think of it...yeah, my life has always been free of failures. I do agree that I've not been taking enough risk. You see, I've been wanting to break free from working life for years and years but I didn't have the courage to do so. I've always wanted to venture into business. Apart from not knowing what to do, I was always afraid of failure. An 'Athychipobiac'...that's me. And maybe a lot others out there. Singaporeans call it 'Kiasu' - No Risk, No Failure.
So for years I've been in the comfort zone of the 9-5 working environment, even though at times it was tough trying to make the job interesting. All because I was guaranteed a pay by end of the month. Whether or not I did the job ("Makan Gaji Buta") or no matter how much or how little effort I put into doing it, by end of the month I'll still get paid. Easy, isn't it?

But then the satisfaction is not there. When we do what we don't enjoy doing...somehow or rather we'll get bored. In the end, we won't be as productive as we should be. Not many people would understand this. When I quit my job, a lot of people say that I'm stupid...My Mom always mention that I shouldn't have quit...over and over again. It gets tiring. I think it's a common fear among us...fear of the unknown...fear of being poor...fear of being in trouble...We tend to forget that no matter what we do, if we do it earnestly, by end of the day we'll get paid off.
So...I feel that I have to do this, someway or another. I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone. I want to prove to myself that I am capable of becoming a success on my own. Because I know that I haven't realise my fullest potential. Yet. That's all.
If I don't try and do something on my own NOW, I'll never do it for the rest of my life. Yes, I want to try and take the risk...even though the fear is still there. Looking on the positive side, I trust that all the success stories came with failures...Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, The Beatles, Elvis Presley...and on the home front, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary, Datuk Maznah Hamid, the late Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong..to name a few.
And as Soichiro Honda says:
"And when the Prayer is finished, then may ye disperse through the land, and seek of the Bounty of God: and celebrate the Praises of God often (and without stint): that ye may prosper". - Al-Jumu'ah:10
"...Nor does anyone know what it is that he will earn in the morrow: Nor does any one know in what land he is to die. Verily God is full knowledge and He is acquainted (with all things)". - Luqman:34
Assalam mu alaikum wr wbt
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Saya memang kenal ayah anda. Cik gu Mat Rani dan cik gu gayah.
Setahu saya mereka sekarang tinggal dibentong. Saya rasa anda ada kena mengena dengan cik gu Faridah Manan.
Malangnya saya memang tak de menyimpan gambar SK relong yang lama-lama. yang baru kalau hendak bolehlah saya ambil...
Assalam mu alai kum wr wbt
Saya ni kalau cikgu Faridah Manan tu memang dia kenal saya dan isteri saya. Kami ni kira kawanlah di Lipis.
Saya Yusof Ibrahim. Pernah jadi Pengetua SMK Setia Wangsa semasa cik gu Faridah mengajar di sana.
Saya pernah tinggal di bentong mengajar di SMK Sulaiman selama satu tahun tujuh bulan. (1992 1993) Pernah aktif dalam ABIM Lipis, Bentong dan Pahang.
Walau bagaimanapun saya meninggalkan profesion keguruan sebagai Guru Cemerlang. Bersara tahun lalu (2009)
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