
Sunday, 14 November 2010

Opposites Attract & The Jigsaw

In reference to a relationshiop, a magnet symbolises two things - 1. Couples going in different directions (one to the South, the other to the North); and 2. Couples attracted to each other (opposites). "Opposites Attract" they say. But do they really?

I married a guy who is generally different from me. Sometimes I think it's impossible for us to even talk to each other. We just can't understand what the other meant! At first it was difficult for me to comprehend. Always told myself that I've found the wrong man. Always told myself that I should have looked for a guy who could understand me better.

But as the years went by, I started to understand. Though we are different, we are actually complementing each other. I was always the forgetful and he would remind me. He would always mis-understand something and I would clarify it to him. I was always rushing into things...he would show me the yellow light to make me stop and think it over.

Nobody is perfect. So, what we are lacking is filled in by our partners and our team members. There's no harm in getting a different partner or totally the opposite from us. We only need to understand each other's strengths & weaknesses. Each one of us is like a piece of the jigsaw puzzle. Only when we are attached to each other, would we make a complete picture.

Sure, some people say that life would be more fun if we found those who are like us. But is it really going to be more fun? We'd be doing the same thing together, share the same interest, watch the same kind of movie and listen to the same genre of music. Maybe in years to come we'd be tired of all those things that we have been doing and then what?
Imagine that we have members who think & have the same interest as us, in our team. Whatever ideas we brought forth, would be agreed by them with no objections. Whatever strategies we thought of, are okay with them. What would eventually happen to the team? It'll lack enthusiasm, lack new ideas, lack new interest. The team members won't have to stretch their minds to think 'out of the box' already.
In short, life needs variety, don't you think?

A Shoulder To Lean On

When I was living in Subang Jaya, I used to take the Metro Bus from / to KL. From KL, the bus stop was in front of Kotaraya. I'd always have to rush over to board it along with the many other passengers; because that bus was always full to the stairs.

Most of the time, it seemed to be full because most of them didn't want to go further inside. So most of the time too, I had to squeeze myself in. Thanks to the then my petite figure. Haha. And as I was in, of course I'd have to stand. Sometimes there'll be a gentleman who would give his seat for me. But most of the time I'd have to wait for someone to get down.

There were times when I was fortunate enough to get a seat. There were also times when the passenger sitting next to me dozed off to sleep (who would not, if one would have to wake up early in the morning to go to work and come back when it was already dark). When they were deep in sleep, they'd tend to slump over on to my shoulder. I wouldn't mind if it was a lady...but if it was a guy...duhhh!! They're heavy!

Come to think of it, in life, sometimes we do need a shoulder to lean on. Not necessarily a well-known shoulder as in our best friend or confidante, but sometimes we could pass for a stranger. And not necessarily we hope for them to solve our problems....just to ease the burden off our own shoulders. But of course, not many people like this idea.

Don't get the wrong idea, though. I'm not suggesting that you pour your heart out to every stranger you met. It's just that sometimes we don't want to bog our friends down with our petty problems or self-insufficiencies...and sometimes we want to protect our pride too, eh? And who knows....strangers could become friends. It's not uncommon.

Friday, 5 November 2010

Never Say "Never"

When hardships befallen, most of the time you'd here people say "I swear I'll never do that again" or "I will never forgive you" or "I'll never speak to you again". You'd also sometimes hear people say "I'll never leave you".

And then, some time later in life...those 'never' turns out otherwise. When you heard them say "I'll never leave you"...sooner or later they will. When you heard them say "I'll never do that again"...sooner or later they will. On the other hand, if you heard them say "I'll never forgive you" or "I'll never speak to you again"...don't worry, sooner or later they will take it back. They will forgive you and they will speak to you again. But in the meantime, just let it go.

"Never" is a strong word. Never say "Never". Because we do not know what is in store for us, in the future.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Taking A Side Step

Ever since I started working, I was always in the shipping industry. The earlier six years were spent with two distinguished shipping agencies. Then I went into the port industry. Always having to do with containerisation. That was my passion, it seems.

But since 2002, I was lured into doing marketing, a job which I had been trying to elude since my shipping agency days. I really don't like marketing. For some obvious reasons. I would rather do paperwork. But then, I had to follow the instructions. You see, when you're working for people that's your limitations. You just have to follow what they asked you to do.

This is the type of marketing where you need to do almost the impossible. Selling bare land (with basic infra) to foreign investors or even to locals. You need to also sell mangrove area (undeveloped land). And it's not just some bare land or mangrove area...they come with a sub-lease. So there's time factor involved. It was indeed a challenging and yet interesting job to do. Only that, when you work for people your limitations are also in terms of balancing between what are needed and could be done. You couldn't reach out to the global market so much because there's the budget that's tightening your every being. So you just have to be creative or play it the conventional way.

However, 8 years later and today, I'm taking a side step away from the port and shipping industry. Not totally...but I'd say almost 3/4 of me is already out. I'm now going into the property industry. I don't know how...and I don't know what it takes to play the game in this new playing field (for me). But I'm willing to give it a shot. I'll never know until and unless I've done it, right?

JBiz Management was set-up to lure foreign investors into setting up their businesses around Johor, particularly in manufacturing or warehousing. It's some sort of a consultancy work. For the time being...that's what I'm focusing on. For the mid-term, I'm going for the Real Estate License. I figured that if I want to be in it, might as well immerse myself in it. You know...

For the past few months I've been reading a lot about behavioral models and personal characteristics. Up to this point, I think and I'm sure that I have those basic criterias to make it to success. It's all up to me, whether I want to do it or not. This was the test that I wrote about in my earlier postings.

I'm starting small. But I'm dreaming big. God willing.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Kenangan SMMR

Merujuk pada posting aku pasal Pelajaran (Education) - Bhg. 5.

Antara kenangan mengusik jiwa:

1. Aku jatuh hati kat classmate aku yang sorang ni...sebab muka dia comel dan dia sangat pemalu. Aku suka kacau dia. Haha. Dia pun pengawas jugak. So, kalau dapat duty sama dengan dia, memang aku seronok. Tapi tak tau camana...lepas Form 5 tetiba je putus hubungan.

2. Lepas SPM aku rapat dengan 'S' yang aku admire sebab dia pandai main gitar. Sekejap je...lepas masuk ITM, aku putuskan hubungan dengan dia.

3. Masa Form 4, aku pernah dapat surat cinta dari sorang 'secret admirer'. Dia selitkan surat tu dalam alas meja aku. Antara ayat2 dia yang masih aku ingat "...sebusuk-busuk bau bunga taik ayam, wangi lagi bau mu".

4. Hehe...masa tu aku suka balut meja aku dengan kertas. Pada kertas tu aku tampal gambar2 dari majalah Gila-Gila. Lepas tu aku lapik kertas tu dengan plastik. Herannya...kenapa aku tak pernah dapat anugerah meja tercantik. Hmmm...

5. Mak & Abah cukup tak suka masa tu aku dok berkawan dengan Long, Ngah, Pian & The Gang. Sebab diorang ni mat-mat rock. Mak & Abah tu tak tau ke...anak diorang ni Minah Rock? Heh.

6. Aku selalu ikut Along pegi training Hoki, padahal aku tak main pun. Tak berani! Aku jadi pom-pom girls je kat tepi padang. Mak selalu marah aku sebab tak pernah lekat kat rumah...padahal dah dekat nak exam. Kitorang selalu ge sekolah petang naik basikal Chopper yang aku dah bega jadik sporty...mud guard semua aku buang. Bila time hujan je..belakang baju habis kotor. Hihi. Sempat 'merempit' lagi tu.

7. Kitorang tusyen subjek Add Maths kat rumah aku. Cikgu dari Sekolah Sains Raub. Cikgu tu bagus...slow & steady je dia ajar kitorang, walaupun aku ni bengap tahap babun. At last, aku flunk juga subjek tu. Mak cakap "Tak apalah. Kak Muna (sepupu aku) pun tak pass juga". Haha. Ada ke...

8. Masa Form 5, aku kamceng dengan brader-brader Upper 6 sampai ada sorang tu jadi 'abang angkat' aku. Hampir semuanya dari Felda Sg. Koyan. Ada sekali tu, diorang nak datang beraya ke rumah...Abah tipu diorang, cakap aku tak de. Rupanya Abah tak suka...sebab diorang datang pakai seluar jeans & T-Shirt je. Heh. Apa daaa...

9. Ustaz suruh aku masuk pertandingan Musabaqah. Aku cakap aku bukannya pandai mengaji (maksud aku, tak pandai berlagu). Ustaz tu marah...dia kata "Huish! Takkan tak pandai mengaji!". So aku pun masuk la... Masa pertandingan tu, aku kena tegur dek juri "Lain kali kalau tak pandai berlagu, jangan berlagu". Hahaha... Sapa yang malu? Akuuu jugak!!

10. Beberapa kali gak masuk pertandingan bakat menyanyi...selalunya aku duet dengan Nur Sham Amir Hussin. Tapi kitorang selalu kalah dengan geng kakak senior. Aku ingat lagi, dalam satu pertandingan tu, kitorang nyanyi lagu duet Hanya Sekali (The Sisters, kembar arwah isteri M. Nasir tu). Geng Senior tu nyanyi lagu Berita Dari Rantau - Alleycats. Tapi persembahan diorang memang menarik.

11. Sorang Cikgu ni tanya "Awak ni anak Mat Salleh ke?" sebab aku dapat A1 dalam English. Sayangnya...aku tak dapat gred yang sama untuk BM. Kenapa ehh..??

Suatu Waktu Dahulu - Dwen

Lagu ni aku tujukan khas untuk geng2 SMMR....Lagu kenangan.

Monday, 1 November 2010

There's Always A First Time For Everything

Some people are afraid to try something new. Some are afraid of changes, thus the term "Resistant to Change". Some would say "I don't know how to do it". Are they being paranoid? Let's see....

The first company that I started to work with, Pesaka Jardine, taught me a lot of things. For one, I was taught on 'doing things right for the first time'. In terms of work, this would eventually help to reduce wastage and redundancies. But would this apply in a real life situation? I guess not.

There's always a first time for everything. But how would you do it right the first time if you don't know what you're in for, right? So what differentiates us from one another is our ability to learn from that first time. Sometimes you'll get it right the first time...(perhaps you're being lucky). Sometimes you won't. So what if you don't? Learn from the mistake. Either you don't repeat the same thing again, or you try to do it better.

For example, you are entering into a business venture. That's your first time and you failed. Don't give up. Think back on what you have done (or have not done) that leads to the failure. Change your strategies...learn from those who are experienced... There's always a first time for everything.

There's a first interview. A first time falling heads over heels for a cute gal. A first time you fall out of love. A first time you fall face down onto the sidewalk. A first time you have to talk in front of a large audience. A first meeting with all the top management. A first time you have a baby. A first time you were scolded in front of your co-workers. A first time you went totally broke...bla bla bla..

The point is...don't be too paranoid. Don't be too afraid. If you have to do it, just do it. It's okay if you fouled up. It's okay if you make a mistake. Just learn from it and move on. So what...

There's always a first time for everything...

Sunday, 31 October 2010

You Will Get What You Wished For

When I started working back in 1991, my first pay was only RM800. I envied my friends who earned RM1200 - RM1500 then. When my elder brother got back from the UKs and started working, he earned almost RM8,000. So I wished that one day I would earn RM10,000. 19 years later, I got what I wished for. My last drawn salary was RM10,600. But I quit the job!

Those days, my only wish was to have my own house and a car. My first car was a CLK (Cute Little Kancil), that I bought after working for 5 years. I bought my first house after working for about 10 years.

When I was in my early twenties and already working, most of my lady colleagues got hitched between 22 - 25 years of age. So people started to ask me "When are you getting married?". I told them that "There are still a lot of things I wanted to achieve in life. Marriage is the last thing on my mind right now". So I got married when I was 35 years old. By then, I've already travelled to all the 12 States in Malaysia (save for Sarawak), I've had a great time jungle trekking and been up to Mt. Kinabalu; I was already a successful worker, I have my own house and my own car.

But there were frustrations and heartbreaks over the years that made me think, why didn't I get what I wanted? I wanted to marry my ex-boyfriend but finally I got ditched. I wanted to buy an apartment somewhere in Subang Jaya but finally I bought a landed property in Gelang Patah, Johor. I wanted to be one of the first ladies to hold an important position in a port, but I ended up leaving the port industry to become a housemaker.

After much thoughts, I figured that we don't always get what we want...but we'll get what we wished for.

So if any one of you wanted to marry Prince William...dream on. You'll never get it. could. But the odds won't! But if you wish to marry a Prince or someone with loads of money...God willing, you will. Wish for a luxury car. God willing, you'll get either a BMW Sport, a Mercedes Benz, a Volvo or a Porsche. But if you wish for a BMW might not get it and you'll get frustrated. Wish for a house. God willing, you'll get either a bangalow, an intermediate terrace, a semi-D or a condo.

If you want to get married, wish for a good guy who would love you like nobody else would love you. God willing, you will get the all-in-one package - a handsome, well-off and a good, lovable guy. If you wish for a handsome man, you might get one who is penniless or a hooligan or even worse, a playboy! If you wish for a rich man, you might get one who is bald and bulky. Haha.

Get it?

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

An Email Affair

He was sitting in front of the PC, logged-on to his email as usual. 'No unread email' it says. He was frustrated. The Inbox is silent nowadays. All the emails that he sent earlier were not responded to. He began to wonder. 'What is happening? Has she gotten tired of him? Is she okay? Is she too busy?'...He was flabbergasted.

Two months before that, he stumbled upon an email from a 'Rosy Cheek'. That email contained a poem, a beautiful poem that touched his heart. Was it originally written by 'Rosy Cheek'? He wondered.

'Hi!' he replied.
'Hello' she responded.
'I read your poem' he wrote.
'Oh yeah? Did you like it?' she asked.
'Yes. I wonder...did you write it yourself?' he asked.
'Mmm...I guess I did' she replied.

And from then on, they became online friends. Or acquaintances, for that matter. Every night, without fail. It was like having a glass of warm milk before sleep. If, he didn't receive her email before he went to sleep, he would find it difficult to shut his eyes. Restless. And every once in a while he would get up to check his email. Until at last he would receive something like 'Good night. Sleep tight and sweet dreams'. Then he would respond and doze off to a sweet slumber.

'Hi! How are you doing?' Rosy Cheek wrote, one day.
'Hi! I've been quite busy with my assignments lately. How are you doing?' he replied.
'As usual. Are you still studying?' Rosy Cheek asked.
'Part-time. What are you doing?' he asked.
'Stuff. Nothing much' Rosy Cheek replied.

She just won't respond to his questions on her personal life. He didn't even know if she is a 'she' or a 'he'. But it sounded like a 'she' indeed. For the past two months, he's been waiting for her emails. Not only at night, but in the morning too. Before dashing off to the office, that would be the first thing he'd do, as part of his routine. Checking on the email.

'Good morning! It's bright and sunny...Have a great day!' she would say.

Sometimes, she would send him an email in the afternoon. Sometimes, she would send him more than one email at once. Sometimes she would ask him questions, sometimes she would tell him a bit of what she was doing then, sometimes she would send him a funny story or a funny cartoon strip. He would always look forward to her emails. They made him smile. They made him feel at ease. She made him feel like he belonged to someone.

'I wonder if you are okay. It's been a while since I last receive your email' he wrote to her once, a few weeks ago. She's been quiet for a few days.
'Why, do you miss me?' she replied cheekily.
He smiled and responded 'Mmm...a bit'. Then he laughed.
'Haha. You must be lonely' she answered.
'Not anymore, since I have you' he responded. How very true, that is.
Then it was quiet.
'Are you still there?' he asked.
'Yes' was her reply.
'Are you offended?' he asked.
'No. I'm touched' she replied.
'I wonder...are you still single or are you married?' he asked.
'Which do you think?' she asked him back.
He was quiet for a while then he typed 'Single'.
' are a good guesser'.

Thinking of those small conversations, made him smile. But he would still wonder. It's been two weeks. He became restless. Even at the office, he couldn't keep his mind off of her. What was going on?

'Sometimes when we feel lonely, we can hear our own heart beating. Have you ever experienced that?' she asked him, one day.
'Are you feeling lonely now?' he asked her back.
'Sometimes it is good to be lonely. Sometimes it is sad' she replied.
'When you are sad, it will rain heavily. Please don't be sad' he responded. That will make her smile, he hoped.
'Hahaha. You are joking. But I like that. Thank you', she answered.

Again, he couldn't help smiling at himself. Days on end, he would browse through all their emails and smile at every funny email. Frowning at a few of the seemingly sad emails. What is it that she was going through? He wished that he could reach out to her. That night, he went off to bed as he did for the past two weeks...wondering. And he kept his email on, the whole night.

First thing in the morning he woke up, clambered off from bed and dashed off to his PC.

'1 unread email'. He was exhilarated! Quickly, he clicked on the icon. Ohh...please hurry up!

'Dear Cyber Rex, I am sorry to inform you that Rosy Cheek passed away last Friday. She was suffering from lung cancer. I'm sorry for this belated email. We are still in mourning. I know you are one of her best online friend. She always tell me about you, though not very much. Thank you, for being a good friend to her. - her sister'.

He was dumbfounded. Dead? Gone? Forever? He could feel his whole life is tumbling down. Rosy Cheek has been like a sunshine to his life for the past two months. He had never met her, Never knew who she was. But he felt close to her. And now, she's gone. He would receive no more emails from her. He would have nothing to look forward to, anymore. He felt helpless, at the same time, lost.

His email affair had ended. Abruptly, it seems.

Friday, 8 October 2010

Enjoy Those Moments

Do you realise that when most of the time we are just too busy with our work...and sometimes family...some other times, friends; we tend to forget ourselves? With the amount of responsibility and accountability, we forgot how to have 'fun'? So, sometimes you'd find someone whom you used to know as being happy-go-lucky and humorous has now become a 'grouch'. He/she become serious, can't even laugh at a simple joke and in return, he/she thinks that you are making fun of him/her.

Having fun doesn't mean you have to go out to the Clubs and dance the night along...or go for karaoke and croak your throat out...or you have to go to the circus and laugh at the clowns. Having fun in the smallest way could be being amused at those things that happen around you...that could make you smile, the least. You know, for example like hearing your co-workers laughing at some stupid remarks; or listening to your boss talking about something that doesn't seem to make any sense to you; or simply by watching how rushing people are when it's time to go home after office hours.

But of course, those are just a few examples; for those working. In life, there are a lot of things that could amuse you...only and unless you would just sit back and relax...and take them in.

Like what? Those happenings that would make you smile, once in a while. You for me, these are some of the things that would make me smile and gives me the feeling of comfort even for a little while:
  • Listening to my daughter sing a song in her own tune;
  • Watching my son playing and talking to himself;
  • The smell of rain;
  • The feel of evening breeze;
  • The sound of water coming from the bath in the middle of a hot afternoon;
  • The light from houses that I would see when I pass them by in the middle of the night or the wee hour of morning, 'cause it gives me the feeling that the inhabitants are safe and secured in their home;
  • The feel of grass under my bare feet;
  • The sound of Azaan; and last but not least
  • The cooling water whenever I take the ablution.

So...just sit back and relax and enjoy those moments that would make you smile and that would give you the comfort; even for a little while.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

There's Light At The End Of The Tunnel

I'm going through this tunnel alone. It seems very long and dark. But I'm sure...if I keep on going, I will reach the end sooner or later. Even though I have to grope around and crawl on all fours to seek my way out, I can't give up. I'll never give up. There's light at the end of the tunnel; I can feel it.

There are times when I have to make a decision that will make me compromise my principles and that will make me swallow my pride. I will always go by my instincts nowadays. I don't know what lies ahead and I don't know if I'm making the right or wrong decision. But I have to decide. What will you do, if you are in my position? What will you do, if you don't have any other means to help you make a decision but your own? You'll have to go by your instincts, what you 'think' you have to do at that point of time.

As for me, I will decide whether to cross the bridge or not, only when I came to it...not before.

In this case, I'll go for what Donald Trump says in his book 'Think Big" :

1. You are on your own. You have to be able to bend but never break.
2. You must become very good at finding creative solutions to what appear to be impossible problems.
3. You have to put in long hours and face enormous challenges to be successful.
4. You have to look out for yourself and your attitude is the key to surviving a setback.
5. Never take your eye off the ball (in which I think it should be 'never take your eye off the goal).
6. if you want to be successful in life, you have to be able to handle pressure.
7. With every action you take and every task you complete you are building momentum. To keep momentum, keep challenging yourself.
8. Never give up on yourself.
9. Time is on your side; things do not continue downward forever.
10. Learn from mistakes but never let them take you down.

I hope, you will learn as much from the above as well.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

The Swing

From the swing
I saw you the first time
And my heart stopped beating
And my life began to shine

On the swing
You sang me the song
To cheer me up
When I was down

At the swing
You knelted down
Eyes full of love and hope to bring
Proposing me to be your own

Near the swing
The children grew
And days on days to come
They finally leave our happy home
To make on their own

On the swing
We sat in silence
Watching the darkness of night
Hand in hand
Tightly clasped
Seems to never let go again

On the swing
I'm waiting
For my time to be with you
My beloved, oh so true.

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Al-Kisah Kisah Dongeng Lebai Malang

Ni satu lagi kisah dongeng. Pasal sorang Lebai yang kononnya kalah bersabung ayam sampai tergadai kampungnya. Kisah ni pun mitos jugak. Ada tiga mitos dalam dongeng ni.

Mitos 1 : Untuk nak mengelakkan orang-orang kita dari berani mengambil risiko.
Sabung ayam masa dulu tu lebih kurang sama la macam kita berjudi sekarang ni. Berjudi tu satu simbol mengambil risiko. Sebab orang-orang yang suka berjudi ni memang suka ambik risiko kalah atau menang. Sebab tu ada yang sanggup bertaruh tinggi. Mana yang tak berapa berani tu, dia bertaruh sikit je.

Aku bukan ler nak galakkan korang berjudi pulak. Yang aku maksudkan ialah mengambil risiko tu. Selalunya kita ni takut nak ambik risiko sebab kita takut rugi, takut kalah, takut jadi miskin...dan takut tergadai body. Gitu ler..

Tapi kalau kita pikir-pikirkan, sekarang ni orang-orang yang berjaya tu semua adalah orang-orang yang berani ambik risiko. Bukan sikit punya risiko diorang ambik, tau. Juta-juta. Bak kata mak aku "High risk, high returns". Maknanya, makin tinggi risiko yang kita ambik, makin tinggi la pulangannya. So, kalau kita nak berjaya...kita kenalah berani ambik risiko yang tinggi. Kalau kita ambik risiko yang rendah, sikit je la pulangan yang kita dapat.

Mitos 2 : Buatlah kajian sebanyak mungkin
Lebai Malang tu berani ambik risiko yang tinggi. Sebab tu dia sanggup gadai kampung dia. Cuma silapnya si Lebai ni, dia tak buat preparation sebelum menyabung. Dia tak buat kajian dulu pasal dia punya 'opponent' tu. Sepatutnya dia buat kajian dulu, ayam baka apa yang 'opponent' dia guna; dah berapa kali 'opponent' dia menang atau kalah dalam bersabung; apa kelemahan dan kekuatan ayam 'opponent' dia tu.

Jadi, sebelum kita nak ambik risiko tu, kita buatlah kajian dulu. Contohnya, kalau nak jadi saudagar telur. Buat la kajian dulu tentang telur...tentang keadaan pasaran; gred-gred dan kualiti telur; macamana nak elakkan telur dari pecah, dsb. Itu satu contoh la. Contoh lain macam kita nak main saham. Kaji la dulu pasaran saham tu macamana; saham apa yang tengah naik, saham apa yang turun; saham apa yang berisiko tinggi dan apa yang rendah.

Yang lain tu korang pikir ler sendiri.

Mitos 3 : Lebai bersabung ayam?
Ini satu mitos yang pada aku, paling mengarutlah. Nampak sangat kisah dongeng ni cuba nak merendah-rendahkan status sorang Lebai. Kalau kat kampung, Lebai adalah sorang yang dihormati sebab ada pegangan agama. Tapi dalam kisah dongeng ni, Lebai ni sorang yang suka bersabung ayam, maknanya dia buat benda yang bertentangan dengan agama. So, korang pikirlah sendiri dari mana agaknya asal-usul kisah dongeng ni.

Aku pun malas nak cerita panjang.

Al-Kisah Kisah Dongeng Mat Jenin

Aku tak tau la samada generasi-generasi 80an ke atas pernah dengar tak kisah-kisah dongeng Pak Pandir, Lebai Malang, Si Luncai dan juga Mat Jenin. Mungkin ada yang pernah dengar dan mungkin juga ada yang pernah mendengar simpulan bahasa macam "Angan-angan Mat Jenin" dan "Si Luncai terjun dengan labu-labunya".

Baru-baru ni aku terbaca dalam satu suratkhabar...(dah lupa la pulak suratkhabar apa)...PM kita cakap "Jangan berangan seperti Mat Jenin". For once, aku tak setuju dengan saranan 'Orang No. 1 Negara' tu. Satunya, sebab aku rasa kisah pasal Mat Jenin tu tak lengkap. Keduanya, sebab bagi aku kisah Mat Jenin tu cuma satu Mitos.

Tak Lengkap
Sebab apa aku kata kisah Mat Jenin tu tak lengkap? Sebab dalam kisah tu, kononnya Mat Jenin mati jatuh pokok bila dia berangan terlebih sangat. Der...kalau Mat Jenin tu mati, macamana si pencerita tu tau yang Mat Jenin dok berangan kat atas pokok tu? Dan lebih lagi, macamana si pencerita tu tau APA yang diangan-angankan oleh Mat Jenin?

Ini maknanya Mat Jenin tu sebenarnya tak mati, der. Mat Jenin tu hidup lagi. Malah, dia tak jatuh pun dari pokok kelapa tu. Lepas dia berangan, dia tersedar dari angan-angan dia, lepas tu dia terus turun dari pokok tu untuk merealisasikan angan-angan dia tu. Tak lama kemudian, Mat Jenin jadi saudagar kelapa yang paling gah kat tempat dia....sampailah dia jadi kaya-raya.

Satu Mitos
Kisah Mat Jenin tu cuma satu mitos untuk nak mengelakkan kita...orang-orang Melayu ni, dari menyimpan cita-cita yang tinggi dan memajukan diri. Namanya kisah dongeng.... Dongengan sapa? Dongengan orang-orang yang tak nak orang-orang Melayu ni maju.

Cuba kita pikir...apa salahnya kalau kita berangan-angan? Tak salah, kan? Nak berangan jadi angkasawan ke, Mufti ke, Ahli Majlis Fatwa ke, usahawan yang paling kaya di Malaysia ke... Itu hak kita, apa. Minda kita ni adalah hak kita. So, buatlah apa yang kita nak dengan minda kita ni. Beranganlah...bermimpilah... Cumanya, bila kita dah berangan tu...kita kena usahalah untuk nak capai angan-angan kita tu.

Betul tak?? Lu pikirlah sendiri....(bak kata Nabil).

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Sunday, 19 September 2010

It's been 41 years

I'd always love 20th September. Because on this day...back in 1969...I was born! Today, is already 41 years of my living. Wow! Time sure flies, huh?

Looking back to all those years, I feel grateful that my life has always been blessed with the good things. I have two great 'teachers' as my parents and three intelligent and bright brothers. Though I don't have any sisters, I don't feel it's a handicap. I'm proud, be the only daughter. I have a lot of cousin fill in the gap.

Come to think of it, I was a happy child...a beaming teenager...a miserable adolescent and a not too happy adult. But I guess everyone's got their own share of life eh? Nonetheless, I am grateful for what has been given to me all these while.

But now that I have passed that 40 years' mark, I feel something is brewing inside. Some people say when you come to the age of 40, you would either change for the better or for the worse. I'm hoping that I will change for the better. Yes, I've made mistakes...I've erred. Not so much because I am human...but I am destined to. From those mistakes I learned to be a better human. I became who I am today. A bit wiser and a bit smarter, I guess.

If you ask me, the most unforgettable moment in my life was when I defied my mother to be with the one I love...and to found out that he was not who I thought he was. But Mak was still willing to accept me for my lack of judgement.

The memory that I was mostly fond of, is of course when I saw my baby coming out from my womb, for the first time. That 'thing' which I carried for 9 months. I felt the same when Rafique was born. The sole heir to the family of Rosli Asnawi. I think only those who have given birth could share the same sentimental feeling.

I am indeed grateful for all the blessings that Allah has given me. Most importantly, He is always there to help me find my way back to the right path. Thank You, Allah...for giving me the chance to breathe and walk on this earth as Your humble servant.

"Dear God, I thank Thee...for all the good things that you have given me all these while; for the health that You have bestowed upon me so that I could look after those under my care; for the strength to pick myself up after every 'battle'; for the sadness and that I will always treasure those happy moments; for the tests and make sure that I will always come back to the right path. And I thank Thee...for giving me the chance to live as a Muslim...Please allow me to go back as a Muslim too. A better one, that is.

God...please forgive me for all the sins that I have done to all human kinds...and to all living things. Please forgive me for all the wrong doings that I have committed, be it in my actions, my words or my writings. I know You will never give up on me. Only to Thee, I ask for forgiveness, only to Thee I seek for guidance and only to Thee I put on my hope. For You are Most Gracious and Most Merciful. Amiiin Ya Rabbal'alamiiinnn".

And I'd take this opportunity to pen my apologies to my family, my friends and all my Blog readers...should you feel offended by my writings or by me, personally. Sometimes they are not intentional...but sometimes they are.



Sunday, 12 September 2010

Jadilah Pengguna Siber Yang Bijak

Posting ni aku buat sebab sejak penggunaan Internet semakin meluas, macam-macam informasi aku boleh dapat dengan senang. Nak tau apa translation sesuatu perkataan dah tak yah nak tengok kamus lagi. Klik je kat Internet. Nak tau resipi-resipi masakan, klik je kat Internet. Resipi asam tempoyak pun ada 63,700 paparan! Ha! Pilih je la yang mana satu idaman kalbu.

Masa Internet ni mula-mula berkembang dalam awal tahun 80-an, tujuan asalnya untuk mewujudkan satu rangkaian komunikasi global. Sejak tu Internet berkembang pesat sampai la ke hari ni. Tambah pulak sekarang dah ada i-Phone (Telefon pintar....Telefon pun pintar yaa..). Kat mana-mana (hatta di dalam bilik kecik sekalipun) dan pada bila-bila masa pun kita dah boleh melayari Internet, dah boleh hantar/terima emel dan dah boleh 'update' Blog...Cam aku neh.

Dah tentulah ada baik dan ada buruknya Internet ni kan. Yang penting, kita kenalah jadi pengguna Internet yang bijak. Macam 'Intelligence' yang terima maklumat dari agen dia...kena 'decipher' dulu kod maklumat tu, baru boleh faham apa yang sebenarnya tersirat. Gitu la lebih kurang.

Macamana nak jadi pengguna siber yang bijak?

1. Bila terima emel

Bila kita terima emel, telitilah dulu kandungan emel tu sebelum kita hantar pulak emel tu kepada kengkawan ataupun orang lain. Ada emel yang memang wajib kita 'forward'kan...ada emel yang harus kita 'forward'kan dan ada pulak yang tak sepatutnya kita 'forward'kan.

Contoh 1 : Emel memohon bantuan kewangan.
Selalunya hati kita mudah tersentuh bila dapat emel macam ni. Tapi pernah ke kita fikir...kekadang emel tu dah berpusing keliling dunia (in circulation) dah lama dan ada masanya orang yang mintak bantuan tu dah tak ada pun kat dunia ni. So, bila kita terima emel macam ni, perhatikan la dulu tarikh bila diorang minta pertolongan tu. Lebih baik kalau ada no tepon yang kita boleh hubungi. Tepon la dulu orang yang berkenaan dan tanyakan kesahihan emel tu. Kalau sahih emel tu betul dan orang tu memang perlukan bantuan, baru kita forward pada orang lain.

Contoh 2 : Emel tentang benda-benda yang entah buaya entah katak, entah betul entah tidak.
Selalunya kita mudah sangat terpedaya dengan emel-emel macam ni. Contohnya emel tentang haramnya sesuatu produk. Kalau tak ada rujukan yang sahih atau gambar-gambar yang jelas tentang perkara ni...elok la kita selidik dulu. Jangan terus forward kat orang. Kurang-kurang kita tepon dulu pengeluar produk tu...atau kita 'contact' Jabatan Agama di kawasan terbabit. Sebabnya sesetengah produk tu dikeluarkan kat luarnegara je. Walaupun jenama yang sama.

Contoh 3: Emel yang berbaur fitnah
Selalunya emel-emel macam ni memang cepat je jari kita nak klik dan hantar pada kengkawan. Terutamanya kalau fitnah tu pasal artis-artis atau ikon Malaysia. Sebelum kita klik 'Send' tu, kita pikir la dulu betul ke tidak apa yang ditulis dalam emel tu. Tah-tah emel tu dihantar oleh orang yang dengki...atau emel tu saja je nak main-main...Kan ke berdosa kita menyebarkan fitnah?? Walaupun ada gambar yang disertakan. Membuka 'aib orang tu adalah satu perbuatan yang sangat tak disukai Rasul.

2. Bila buat 'posting' dalam Blog

Blog ni sekarang memang tengah 'hype'. Orang buat Blog ada macam-macam sebab. Ada yang nak 'promote' bisnes dan produk dia; ada yang nak berkongsi pengalaman, pendapat dan pandangan; ada juga yang saja nak bersosial. Apa-apa pun sebab dan tujuannya, bila kita berBlog tu biarlah dengan penuh hemah dan beretika.

Sebagai empunya Blog
Sebelum kita buat posting untuk Blog kita tu, tentukan la dulu dari mana sumber informasi yang kita nak tulis dalam Blog kita tu. Jangan main 'cut and paste' dari tempat lain je. Kita kena ingat, orang yang baca Blog kita tu tak ada banyak masa pun nak buat penyelidikan dari mana sumber informasi tu. KECUALI...pembaca yang berfikir!

Sebagai pembaca
Kita kenalah jadi pembaca yang bijak. Jangan kita main telan je apa yang Blogger tu tulis. Kalau dia kata air Sungai Perak dah bertukar jadi merah...siap ada gambar sekali...kita pun percaya la bulat-bulat air Sungai Perak dah jadi merah. Satu keajaiban la kononnya. Padahal air sungai tu jadi merah sebab ada orang sembelih lembu kat tepi sungai tu.....dan darah lembu tu mengalir masuk dalam sungai! Contohnya...

Untuk jadi pengguna siber yang bijak, bila kita terima informasi dari emel atau Blog ni, kita tengok dulu tiga benda ni:

  • Ada tak bahan rujukan yang disertakan dalam emel/Blog tu. Bahan rujukan ni tak kiralah dari mana - buku/majalah/suratkhabar/Al-Quran ataupun Hadis. Rujukan ni pulak bukanlah semata-mata ditulis "Dipetik dari New Straits Times" tapi haruslah "Dipetik dari New Straits Times, m/s 20, 10 September 2010". Lengkap gitu...
  • Ada tak gambar disertakan dengan emel/posting Blog tu. Gambar-gambar tu mestilah yang benar (genuine) dan bukan yang dah di'edit' atau yang dah di'super-imposed'.
  • Untuk kesahihan haram sesuatu produk, ada tak surat rasmi dari pengeluar produk tu disertakan. Atau mungkin surat rasmi dari Jabatan Agama...ataupun Persatuan Pengguna Islam.
Apa yang penting?? Pikiiiirrr....dulu.

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Tuntutlah Ilmu

Merujuk kepada posting aku yang terdahulu tentang "Ilmu Itu Pelita Hidup"....

Ilmu itu pelita hidup...tak kiralah ilmu agama ke, akademik, memasak, bertukang, berladang atau berkebun...janji kita sentiasa mahu belajar. "Daripada Anas bin Malik r.a. Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Menuntut ilmu adalah wajib ke atas setiap Muslim" - hadis riwayat Ibnu Majah & Abu Ya'la. So, janganlah beralasan dalam bab menuntut ilmu ni. Dan jangan pula salahkan orang bila diri sendiri 'ketinggalan'.

Menuntut ilmu tu adalah wajib ke atas setiap insan. Tidak ada alasan mengapa seseorang itu tidak boleh atau tidak mahu menuntut ilmu. Kerana daripada Abu Darda' r.a. Nabi s.a.w bersabda: "Sesungguhnya para ulama adalah pewaris para nabi. Nabi-Nabi pula tidak mewariskan dinar & dirham. Mereka mewariskan ilmu. Siapa yang mengambilnya ia telah mendapat bahagian yang banyak & sempurna". - Riwayat Abu Daud, al-Tarmizi, Ibn Majah & Ibn Hibban. Jadi, tak kiralah samada lelaki mahupun perempuan, tua atau muda, miskin atau kaya, wajib baginya untuk menuntut ilmu yang menjadi warisan para nabi.

Macamana nak cari ilmu? Antaranya:

1. Membaca - buku, majalah, surat khabar, jurnal. dsb. Inilah suruhan yang pertama dari Tuhan untuk Rasulullah "Bacalah...".
2. Tengok TV - Berita, dokumentari, talk show...Jangan tengok drama atau kartun je.
3. Bergaul - dengan org2 yang banyak ilmu, yang dah berjaya, yang positif. Jangan bergaul dengan orang2 yang suka menabur fitnah, yang suka hentam sana hentam sini, kondem sana kondem sini tapi diri tak ke mana pun.
4. Attend training - Workshop ke, Seminar ke, Conference ke, Exhibition ke...Tak rugi bayar yuran untuk nak dapatkan ilmu yang boleh diguna seumur hidup (kalau digunakan la).
5. Internet - website2 atau blog2 yang memberi ilmu yang bermanfaat. Jangan tengok website porno je.

Coming up next: Jadilah pengguna siber yang bijak.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Wanita A-Z

Tak lama dulu member Blogger aku Carl Samsudin ada buat posting pasal lelaki dalam Blog dia. Tapi ini bukan posting balas. Cuma aku nak share je sifat-sifat wanita, khusus untuk para lelaki di luar sana yang selalu kata "Aku tak paham betullah orang pompuan ni" atau "Orang pompuan ni peliklah. Susah betullah nak paham". Kat sini aku cuba kupas sifat-sifat wanita yang kebanyakannya tak nampak pada zahirnya.

Sifat wanita dan lelaki ni sama je, sebenarnya. Cuma dia punya rating tu ada yang tinggi, ada yang rendah. Contohnya ego. Wanita pun ada ego...cuma tidak setinggi ego lelaki. Tapi tak dinafikan, ada juga sifat wanita yang tak ada pada lelaki, sebab tu ler orang lelaki tak boleh nak faham. Saya senaraikan di sini A-Z sifat-sifat wanita untuk dikongsi bersama.

Amarah - wanita ni seperti juga lelaki, ada sifat amarah. Tetapi dalam banyak keadaaan, sifat amarah ni dipendamkan. Cuma yang outspoken tu je yang akan meluahkan rasa amarahnya itu. Ada juga yang memendam terlalu lama sampai boleh jadi outburst. Tu yang bahaya.

Bijak - wanita ni sebenarnya adalah makhluk Allah yang bijak. Walaupun ramai yang kata wanita ni 99% nafsu...tetapi sebenarnya yang 1% akal diorang tu kadang-kadang lebih besar kapasitinya dari 99% akal lelaki. So, janganlah cuba merendah-rendahkan IQ kaum wanita.

Cantik - tak kiralah samada dia tu tomboy ke..pengkid ke...wanita Melayu terakhir ke...semua wanita suka kelihatan cantik aka 'stylo'. Tak semestinya dengan ber'make-up' aje.

Demanding - sifat demanding wanita ni bergantung pada sifat 'E' dan sifat 'M' yang ada pada diorang. Kalau sifat 'E' dia lebih, maka dia memang la seorang yang demanding. Kalau sifat 'M' dia lebih, maka dia kuranglah demanding. Walau bagaimanapun, kalau dia bukan seorang yang demanding tak bermakna korang tak payah bagi dia apa-apa. Sebab dalam pada tu, diorang tetap mengharapkan sesuatu terutamanya dari orang yang diorang sayang. Bila seseorang wanita tu cemburu, maknanya dia demand perhatian.

Ego - wanita ni pun ada ego juga. Kadang-kadang setahap dengan ego lelaki. Tapi ego wanita ni ada masanya bila dah tercalar...memang susah nak sembuh. Sebab wanita ni ada 'S'.

Femininity - setiap wanita dilahirkan dengan sifat kewanitaan yang tersendiri. Walau macamana diorang cuba nak 'mengeraskan' diri diorang (like in the case of tomboy/pengkid), kalau korang tengok betul-betul akan nampak perbezaannya dengan lelaki. Sekali pandang je dah tau diorang tu sebenarnya wanita. Dari raut wajah...dari lenggok jalan...dari pinggulnya.

Gigih - selembut-lembut wanita, jangan diperlekehkan. Kalau diberi satu ujian yang besar, diorang akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk mengatasi masalah tu. Contoh terbaik, tengok je para ibu tunggal kita. Ada wanita yang mampu bersaing dalam industri yang dipelopori oleh lelaki semata-mata kerana diorang ada sifat 'G' ni.

Haloba - wanita ni dilahirkan dari keturunan Hawa, bermaksud nafsu. Oleh kerana itulah secara semulajadinya wanita ni ada sifat haloba. Apa yang diorang tengok, kalau boleh semuanya diorang nak. Walaupun kadang-kadang benda tu tak perlu, tapi bila sifat haloba ni dah menguasai diri, diorang tetap nak jugak benda tu.

Inquisitive - wanita ni secara semulajadinya memang suka nak ambik tau tentang sesuatu hal. Tak kiralah hal jiran sebelah ke, hal ekonomi ke, harga gula naik ke, dsb. Sebab tu kekadang orang kata wanita ni suka kepoh. Tapi kalau seorang isteri/awek banyak bertanya tentang aktiviti anda, itu maknanya dia sayang. Dia tak nak sesuatu yang tak elok berlaku pada anda. Dan dia suka berada 'in the know' daripada dia buat 'donno'.

Jemu - ini satu sifat wanita yang kurang elok. Mudah jemu. Tapi ini pun bergantung pada sifat 'H' yang ada pada diorang. Kalau sifat 'H' tu ratingnya tinggi, maka sifat jemu ni pun tinggi la jugak ratingnya. Sifat jemu ni kalau pada benda je tak apa. Contohnya mudah jemu dengan kasut atau baju yang diorang pakai. Tapi kalau melarat kepada orang...susah juga. Nanti dia mudah jemu dengan pak we / tunang / suami. Heh.

Keras hati - wanita boleh menjadi keras hati bila diorang rasa orang yang dipercayai dah mengkhianati kepercayaan diorang. Dan kerana ada 'E' maka tahap keras hati diorang ni bergantung pada tahap keegoaan diorang gak la.

Lembut hati - secara semulajadinya, wanita ni lembut hati. Kenapa kadang-kadang diorang jadi 'keras hati'...sebab diorang nak melindungi hati diorang dari disakiti. Kalau ada yang macam ni, kenalah pandai cari jalan untuk nak lembutkan hati diorang semula. Bak kata pepatah "Hati wanita ni ibarat kerak nasi. Sekeras-keras kerak nasi, kalau direndam dalam air lembut juga akhirnya".

Malu - wanita memang dilahirkan dengan sifat malu. Dan kerana sifat inilah ramai wanita yang berbakat, berkeupayaan dan berkredibiliti jarang nak menonjolkan diri. Kebanyakannya akan menumpukan perhatian pada kerja je dan memang jarang mereka akan bersuara. Kalau nak mintak apa-apa pun, selalunya diorang akan harapkan lelaki faham-faham sendiri.

No nonsense - wanita mempunyai sifat no-nonsense secara semulajadi. Sebab tu diorang tak suka diperlekehkan dan dipermainkan. Tetapi, disebabkan adanya sifat 'M' maka kadang-kadang diorang ni pendamkan aje perasaan diorang. Selalunya kalau wanita diberi sesuatu tugasan, diorang akan buat tugasan tu dengan sepenuh hati, tak de main-main punya.

Obsesif - selalunya bila dah memperoleh sesuatu, wanita ni akan menjadi obsesif dengan apa yang dia peroleh tu. Tak kiralah dari segi barang ke, pak we ke...husband ke...tunang ke... Di sinilah datangnya 'queen control' atau sifat cemburu tu. Walaupun dia kata dia tak kisah kalau kehilangan orang tu, pada hakikatnya dia kisah sangat. Cuma dia tak nak cakap je, sebab dia ada 'M' dan juga 'E'.

Penyayang - tiap wanita ada sifat penyayang. Walaupun kita tengok sekarang ni banyak kes buang bayi, yakinlah, tiap wanita yang buang bayi dia tu mesti akan rasa kesal. Tetapi mungkin kerana terdesak maka diorang terpaksa buat macam tu. Disebabkan adanya sifat ni secara semulajadi, wanita ni memang sesuai sangat jadi pendidik & juga jururawat.

Quality - wanita ni mementingkan quality dalam banyak segi. Sebab diorang ada sifat 'C' maka diorang akan pastikan pakaian atau barang yang diorang ada tu juga berkualiti. Sampai nak pilih calon suami pun diorang nak yang berkualiti juga. Sebab apa...sebab diorang ada 'W'. So, janganlah salahkan wanita kalau diorang nak lelaki yang hensem atau kaya je jadi suami. Hahaha. Tapi tak semua macam tu la. Ada juga yang mementingkan quality insaniah - cukup didikan agama, berbudi bahasa, menghormati orang tua, dsb.

Rajuk - oleh sebab diorang ni ada 'S' maka wanita ni memang la cepat merajuk. Selalunya wanita ni merajuk pada yang sayang. Sebab dia nak orang tu pujuk dia. Bergantung juga pada sifat 'E' yang ada pada seseorang wanita, maka tahap rajuk dia tu berbagai-bagai. Ada yang merajuk sekejap je...ada yang makan masa.

Sensitif - kalau dia tu tak sensitif, bukan wanita sejatilah dia tu. Semua wanita mudah tersentuh hati dan perasaannya. Tetapi, disebabkan ada 'E' kadang-kadang diorang tak tunjukkan sifat sensitif ni. Takut kena kutuk pun ye juga.

Tertib - secara semulajadinya, wanita ni dilahirkan bertertib. Walaupun tak pernah diajar, kita akan nampak wanita ni kebanyakannya bertertib di khalayak ramai. Kalau kita tengok ada yang tak bertertib tu, itu mungkin disebabkan sifat 'H' dah menguasai diri diorang masa tu.

Unconditional love - selalunya wanita ni bila diorang dah sayang pada seseorang, kasih-sayang diorang tu 'unconditional' (tak bersyarat). Tak kiralah samada lelaki tu hensem ke tak hensem ke, kaya ke tak kaya ke...bila diorang dah tangkap sayang...memang diorang akan sayang lelaki tu sampai mati.

Very understanding - wanita memang mudah memahami perasaan orang lain. Disebabkan diorang ada sensitivity yang tinggi, maka diorang ni mudah peka dengan apa yang orang lain rasa. Sekilas tengok wajah orang je, diorang dah tau orang tu sedang bermasalah atau sedang gembira atau sedang memikirkan sesuatu. Ada sesetengah wanita yang tahap understandingnya terlalu tinggi sampai kadang-kadang macam ada kuasa psikik pulak...boleh baca apa yang ada dalam fikiran orang lain, terutamanya orang yang rapat dengan diorang. Disebabkan adanya sifat 'V' ni maka wanita ni pun sangat sesuai menjadi kaunselor.

Wawasan - tak kiralah samada dia tu seorang yang berpendidikan atau tidak, wanita ni selalunya berwawasan jauh. Sebab tu bila ada sesuatu masalah, diorang tak tengok jalan penyelesaian untuk jangka pendek, tapi diorang akan tengok untuk jangka panjang. Kat sini selalunya ada percanggahan dengan kaum lelaki sebab lelaki selalunya suka settle masalah untuk jangka pendek.

X-Factor - tiap wanita ada x-factor yang tersendiri. Ada tu muka tak cun, tapi hatinya sungguh mulia. Ada yang muka cun...idaman setiap jejaka. Ada yang bersaiz kecil (cam aku) tapi berhati waja. Ada yang berbadan besar tetapi penuh dengan kasih-sayang. So lelaki, carilah x-factor dalam diri wanita anda.

Yours - dalam ertikata lain, secara semulajadinya wanita ni adalah seorang yang setia. Bila dia dah tangkap sayang pada orang tu...dia akan setia dengan orang tu sampai bila-bila. Biarpun bercerai badan, namun hati diorang tetap pada yang itu juga.

Zealous - oleh kerana wanita ni seorang yang setia, maka diorang ni sanggup buat apa saja untuk orang yang diorang sayang. Kadang-kadang sampai sanggup merendahkan martabat diorang dan membuang ego diorang. Dari segi positifnya, wanita ni akan sentiasa menyokong apa saja yang diusahakan oleh orang yang diorang sayang walau dalam apa cara sekalipun.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

One Night with JOHO

I wrote about JOHO back in July. Click here to read.

For the first time, on Sept 04, I went to this event that they organised. It's called 'Paso Bumbong' (Rooftop Market). The venue: Rooftop (of course) of the Plaza Seni in JB. The event started around 3.30pm (actually) but I couldn't go then. So I went to the open mic session later in the evening.

Nervous. That's how I felt. I knew this event would be full with youngsters...and me?...Heh. Way beyond the limit already. But what the heck. I wanted to support this community even if I felt like I don't belong.

So...arriving there at about 9.30pm, I felt very nervous. It was awkward. I was wearing a baju kurung (traditional malay dress) with heels! Youngsters were everywhere. Lots of them with cameras in their hands. It's becoming a trend, I guess. And they were wearing jeans and t-shirts.... Duh! For an instant I felt like wanting to go back to the car and drive away. But I've made my commitment. So I had to go on.

True enough...the rooftop was seemingly full with people. It was a great scene, actually. The walls were full with booths selling things...t-shirts, cupcakes, collectibles. And I was looking for only one booth - JOHO's. Because they were the only few people whom I know. Actually, only two of 'em - Klux & Azrafe Zaki (aka Zack). Hehe. Me...being shy...Awww!

Two guys were at the mic. Apparently they were the MCs. I noticed straight away that one of them was my Blogger friend - Carl Samsudin. Never met him. But somehow I knew it was him. And I was right! Heh. He made a brief intro on me, when I was about to take on the mic. Nice. Thanks, Carl. (I forgot to say that, that night. Being nervous).

Eventually I had a very sporting audience. I delivered a poem titled 'Warisan - Anak Kecil Main Api' which was actually a song, sung by new ITM students during orientation week. Another one was a song, sang by the late Sudirman Hj. Arshad. The crowd...they sang along. It was momentary. Because we have just celebrated our 53rd Independence Day the week before.

Then there were a few guys and gals performing their own. It was cool and I felt proud. We have such great talents out here. But where could they showcase their talents? How would they vent their feelings, their thoughts, their views, their passion? Again, kudos to JOHO and the brainchild behind this community.

And guess what...I met a very long lost friend that night. We parted somewhere back in 1997... Almost forgotten about him. Hehe. Alas, such event do bring people together huh? Rekindling the friendship. Check out his Facebook :

Shazli Shots

Afterwards? The photos that they shot were brilliant! And the t-shirts that I bought for the kids were fantastic. They loved the tees very much.

Check out the links:

JOHO on the Blog

JOHO in the Facebook

JOHO Concept Store in the Facebook

P/S: Photos of JOHO...courtesy of the JOHO Concept Store Facebook.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

It's A Sad Thing

Ramadhan is coming to an end...this week. Syawal is coming up...along with Aidil Fitri. The supposedly celebration for all Muslims in 'winning' the feat of fasting throughout the month. But...that's not the topic I'm on tonight.

I'm deeply saddened by the issues highlighted by some people on the new commercial aired by TV3 for the Aidil Fitri. I just don't understand what the hype was all about. Just because the commercial portrays other than the usual 'Malay setting' they said it's 'khurafat' (nonsense) and trying to deviate from the teachings of Islam.

Duhh! First of all...celebrating the Eid-ul Fitri is not written as one of Rukun Islam. It was just a celebration passed down from generations. It's just a culture. Some people don't even celebrate Eid-ul Fitri...not in a big way, that is. Don't they know?

Secondly, it shows that these people have nothing better to do than looking for the faults in others. Is that a true Islamic approach? There is this one Blogger, who went up to the extent of looking at every single frame of the commercial while commenting this and that. He even relate that to the Freemasonry and Illumination...Buddhisme & Christianity! What a bunch of crap! Does he seriously look at every commercial as detailed as he did to that particular commercial? I wonder...

While they say that they are 'true' Muslims...did they not realise that inadvertently they made others (especially the non-Muslims) to wonder if finding faults in others is the true teachings of Islam? And I'm saying that it is NOT. Islam does not teach us to find faults in others. Islam does not teach us to ridicule others publicly...and Islam does not teach us to have negative thoughts about others - be them Muslims OR non-Muslims.

Islam taught us to be good to EVERY living thing. Only when circumstances arise that we can declare war with the enemies of Islam. To understand need to really understand Islam. Not necessarily wearing the full headcover or purdah or the kopiah or the songkok made you a 'true' Islam...Not, if you are still saying things that would hurt other people's feelings.

My advice is:
  • Please understand Islam the ACTUAL way, whole heartedly. 'Know yourself in order to know your God".
  • And to Blog readers: Don't just simply agree with what a Blogger writes, until and unless you are sure that what is written is valid. It doesn't hurt to take a step back to reflect what was written...or to do some background search on the topic...or to refer to someone knowledgeable on the topic...before you agree / disagree with the Blogger's point of view.
In the case of that poor commercial, I would say that no one (at this point of time) took the initiative to really ask the production what was their real intention in producing that commercial. Which, I have a great feeling that is has everything to do with the spirit of 1Malaysia...that's all.

Nonetheless, this is what I wanna share with you guys:
"O ye who believe! Let not some men among you laugh at others: it may be that the (latter) are better than the (former): nor let some women laugh at others: it may be that the (latter) are better than the (former): nor defame nor be sarcastic to each other, nor call each other by (offensive) nicknames: ill-seeming is a name connoting to wickedness, (to be used of one) after he has believed: and those who do not desist are (indeed) doing wrong. O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: and spy not on each other, nor speak ill of each other behind their backs. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Nay, ye would abhor it...But fear God: for God is Oft-returning, Most Merciful. O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of God is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well-acquainted (with all things)". - Al-Hujuraat: 11-12.


Friday, 3 September 2010

Does God Exist? (An Affirmation)

...this is a continuation to the post on 'Does God Exist' (click here).

"In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

(Inevitably) cometh (to pass) the Command of God: seek ye not then to hasten it: Glory to Him, and far is He above having the partners they ascribe unto Him! He doth send down His angels with inspiration of His Command, to such of His servants as He pleaseth, (saying): "Warn (Man) that there is no god but I: so do your duty unto Me.". He has created the heavens and the earth for just ends: far is He above having the partners they ascribe to Him!

He has created man from a sperm-drop; and behold this same (man) becomes and open disputer!

And cattle He has created for you (men): from them ye derive warmth, and numerous benefits, and of their (meat) ye eat. And ye have a sense of pride and beauty in them as ye drive them home in the evening, and as ye lead them forth to pasture this morning. And they carry your heavy loads to lands that ye could not (otherwise) reach except with souls distressed: for your Lord is indeed Most Kind, Most Merciful, And (He has created) horses, mules, and donkeys, for you to ride and use for show; and He has created (other) things of which ye have no knowledge.

And unto God leads straight the Way, but there are ways that turn aside: if God had willed. He could have guided all of you.

It is He who sends down rain from the sky: from it ye drink, and out of it (grows) the vegetation on which ye feed your cattle. With it He produces for you corn, olives, date-palms, grapes and every kind of fruit: verily in this is a Sign for those who give thought.

He has made subject to you the night and the day; the sun and the moon; and the stars are in subjection by His Command: verily in this are Signs for men who are wise. And the things on this earth which He has multiplied in varying colours (and qualities): verily in this is a Sign for men who celebrate the praises of God (in gratitude).

It is He who has made the sea subject, that ye may eat thereof flesh that is fresh and tender, and that ye may extract therefrom ornaments to wear; and thou seest the ships therein that plough the waves, that ye may seek (thus) the bounty of God that ye may be grateful.

And He has set up on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you; and rivers and roads; that ye may guide yourselves; And marks and sign-posts; and by the stars (men) guide themselves.

Is then He Who creates like one that creates not? Will ye not receive admonition? If ye would not count up the favours of God, never would ye be able to number them: for God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. And God doth know what ye conceal, and what ye reveal. Those whom they invoke besides God create nothing and are themselves created. (They are things) dead, lifeless: nor do they know when they will be raised up."


Does God Exist?

I came across this site and one of the article discusses the above topic. You see...when I was suffering from a major depression about 10 years ago, I posed the exact same question to myself. And yes, I have found the answer.

For those of you who believe and have faith that God exists...treat this article as a means to affirm your faith. For those who are still looking out for the answer...or the truth...treat this as a platform to open up your heart and your mind to keep searching for the answer.

You can check out the site for the full I'm posting only the excerpt of the article here:

"Does God Exist - The Big Questions
Does God exist? An answer to this fundamental question is a prerequisite for answering the other big questions of life: Where did we come from? Why are we here? Do we serve a purpose? Do we have any intrinsic value? What happens after we die? The question of the existence of God is fundamental.

Does God Exist - Things to Consider
Once you're ready to ask the question, "does God exist?" here are a few observations to consider as you begin your search for an objective answer:

1. Discoveries in astronomy have shown beyond a reasonable doubt that the universe did, in fact, have a beginning. There was a single moment of creation.

2. Advances in molecular biology have revealed vast amounts of information encoded in each and every living cell, and molecular biologists have discovered thousands upon thousands of exquisitely designed machines at the molecular level. Information requires intelligence and design requires a designer.

3. Biochemists and mathematicians have calculated the odds against life arising from non-life naturally via unintelligent processes. The odds are astronomical. In fact, scientists aren't even sure if life could have evolved naturally via unintelligent processes. If life did not arise by chance, how did it arise?

4. The universe is ordered by natural laws. Where did these laws come from and what purpose do they serve?

5. Philosophers agree that a transcendent Law Giver is the only plausible explanation for an objective moral standard. So, ask yourself if you believe in right and wrong and then ask yourself why. Who gave you your conscience? Why does it exist?

6. People of every race, creed, color, and culture, both men and women, young and old, wise and foolish, from the educated to the ignorant, claim to have personally experienced something of the supernatural. So what are we supposed to do with these prodigious accounts of divine healing, prophetic revelation, answered prayer, and other miraculous phenomena? Ignorance and imagination may have played a part to be sure, but is there something more

If your curiosity has been piqued and you desire to look into this matter further, we recommend that you consider the world's assortment of so-called Holy Books. If God does exist, has He revealed Himself? And if He has revealed Himself, surely He exists".

To these...check out my next posting on the evidences.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

It Ain't Easy

For the record: This posting is dedicated to all the Homemakers in the World.

September would be the 7th month of my feat in becoming a full-time housewife aka 'homemaker'. When someone asks "So how was it?" my answer would be "It ain't easy". But most people thought it is.

Being a homemaker is no easy feat and I'd take my hats off to those who have been doing so for years and years...without any complaints. I spent the first three months trying to adjust to the flexible timing (still am, I think).

When I was working, my time has already been preset. So it took a while to adjust to that freedom because there was a time when I abused it and the result wasn't so good. Then I had to adjust myself to having the kids around me 24/7. Oh! They were like a mole in the skin...following me everywhere, except to the loo (Thank God for that!). The greatest challenge is trying to understand their attitudes and for them to understand my 'rules'.

The Cooking & such: I spent most of the day time in the kitchen. Cooking, washing and cleaning...all are done here. Do you know that there are basically THREE stages of cooking?

There's the preparation, then the cooking and then the cleaning up. I'd spend like 2 - 3 hours on this. Not including eating the meals. Most people know about the cooking part, but not the cleaning. And most dislike to do the cleaning anyway...due to the oily stuffs.

The Laundry: At first, I tried to do the laundry like three times a week. But with these kids and the amount of clothes that they wear...couldn't afford to. So I'd do the laundry as and when required i.e. when the baskets are full. Heh.

Basically, washing the dirty clothes would take almost a day and I'd normally do it in the night. The next day, hanging up. The day after next, the picking up. And the day after the day after next, the folding. Sometimes it took me one whole week to complete the cycle. Hehe.

The Cleaning: Then there's the regular vacuuming, mopping and wiping. Vacuum must be done at least twice a week, especially when there's a construction going on in the vicinity. Mopping is done once a month...due to the backpain. Ugghh!! And wiping the furniture is done together with the vacuuming. Sometimes. Heh.

The Other Stuffs: Notwithstanding the fact that I'm also doing 'somethings' online, I'd really have to balance out the timing. But most of the time I got carried away online that I tend to neglect some of the things that I have to do around the house. And I guess I'm still being lucky because my kids aren't in school yet. Otherwise I'd have to be a part-time chauffer as well. And that also DOES NOT inlcude baking or cooking or sewing or painting; like some other homemakers do, to earn some side income.

In summary...being a homemaker is challenging...and tiring too.

So time when someone tells you that they've quit and staying at home to take care of the kids don't just say "Oh, yeah?". Instead, say "Hey! That's great! It's a noble thing to do". Because I'd tell ain't easy.

But the best part is...we manage our own time.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010


Yeay!! It's September!!!

Why am I so happy about September? Four things:
  1. The last 9 days of Ramadhan would end in September;
  2. The Eid-ul Fitri will be celebrated in September;
  3. Malaysia Day will be celebrated for the 1st time this year and it falls on Sept 16; and
  4. I'll be celebrating MY BIRTHDAY in September...along with a few friends and family members.
I was doubly happy last year...because for the first time in my life, I celebrated my birthday on the first day of Eid-ul Fitri. That's never gonna happen again...I guess. But nonetheless, this year it's still in the month of Syawal. I'll rejoice that anyway.

I sincerely hope that good things would come my way this month. And I hope the same to all of you out there too. Regardless of who you are or where you're from or what religion you are, I wish you all the best. Since this is already the ninth month of 2010, I hope that you'd achieve your objectives for the 3rd Quarter of the year. Whatever those objectives might be. Personal or work.

Do you know, that...

  • September is one of the four Gregorian months with 30 days.
  • September in the Southern Hemisphere is equivalent to March in the Northern Hemisphere.
  • September begins on the same day of the week as December...every year.
  • September 19 is International Talk Like A Pirate Day
  • September 21 is the International Day of Peace
  • September 20 is my birthday