
Friday, 5 November 2010

Never Say "Never"

When hardships befallen, most of the time you'd here people say "I swear I'll never do that again" or "I will never forgive you" or "I'll never speak to you again". You'd also sometimes hear people say "I'll never leave you".

And then, some time later in life...those 'never' turns out otherwise. When you heard them say "I'll never leave you"...sooner or later they will. When you heard them say "I'll never do that again"...sooner or later they will. On the other hand, if you heard them say "I'll never forgive you" or "I'll never speak to you again"...don't worry, sooner or later they will take it back. They will forgive you and they will speak to you again. But in the meantime, just let it go.

"Never" is a strong word. Never say "Never". Because we do not know what is in store for us, in the future.

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