
Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Taking A Side Step

Ever since I started working, I was always in the shipping industry. The earlier six years were spent with two distinguished shipping agencies. Then I went into the port industry. Always having to do with containerisation. That was my passion, it seems.

But since 2002, I was lured into doing marketing, a job which I had been trying to elude since my shipping agency days. I really don't like marketing. For some obvious reasons. I would rather do paperwork. But then, I had to follow the instructions. You see, when you're working for people that's your limitations. You just have to follow what they asked you to do.

This is the type of marketing where you need to do almost the impossible. Selling bare land (with basic infra) to foreign investors or even to locals. You need to also sell mangrove area (undeveloped land). And it's not just some bare land or mangrove area...they come with a sub-lease. So there's time factor involved. It was indeed a challenging and yet interesting job to do. Only that, when you work for people your limitations are also in terms of balancing between what are needed and could be done. You couldn't reach out to the global market so much because there's the budget that's tightening your every being. So you just have to be creative or play it the conventional way.

However, 8 years later and today, I'm taking a side step away from the port and shipping industry. Not totally...but I'd say almost 3/4 of me is already out. I'm now going into the property industry. I don't know how...and I don't know what it takes to play the game in this new playing field (for me). But I'm willing to give it a shot. I'll never know until and unless I've done it, right?

JBiz Management was set-up to lure foreign investors into setting up their businesses around Johor, particularly in manufacturing or warehousing. It's some sort of a consultancy work. For the time being...that's what I'm focusing on. For the mid-term, I'm going for the Real Estate License. I figured that if I want to be in it, might as well immerse myself in it. You know...

For the past few months I've been reading a lot about behavioral models and personal characteristics. Up to this point, I think and I'm sure that I have those basic criterias to make it to success. It's all up to me, whether I want to do it or not. This was the test that I wrote about in my earlier postings.

I'm starting small. But I'm dreaming big. God willing.

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