
Friday, 8 October 2010

Enjoy Those Moments

Do you realise that when most of the time we are just too busy with our work...and sometimes family...some other times, friends; we tend to forget ourselves? With the amount of responsibility and accountability, we forgot how to have 'fun'? So, sometimes you'd find someone whom you used to know as being happy-go-lucky and humorous has now become a 'grouch'. He/she become serious, can't even laugh at a simple joke and in return, he/she thinks that you are making fun of him/her.

Having fun doesn't mean you have to go out to the Clubs and dance the night along...or go for karaoke and croak your throat out...or you have to go to the circus and laugh at the clowns. Having fun in the smallest way could be being amused at those things that happen around you...that could make you smile, the least. You know, for example like hearing your co-workers laughing at some stupid remarks; or listening to your boss talking about something that doesn't seem to make any sense to you; or simply by watching how rushing people are when it's time to go home after office hours.

But of course, those are just a few examples; for those working. In life, there are a lot of things that could amuse you...only and unless you would just sit back and relax...and take them in.

Like what? Those happenings that would make you smile, once in a while. You for me, these are some of the things that would make me smile and gives me the feeling of comfort even for a little while:
  • Listening to my daughter sing a song in her own tune;
  • Watching my son playing and talking to himself;
  • The smell of rain;
  • The feel of evening breeze;
  • The sound of water coming from the bath in the middle of a hot afternoon;
  • The light from houses that I would see when I pass them by in the middle of the night or the wee hour of morning, 'cause it gives me the feeling that the inhabitants are safe and secured in their home;
  • The feel of grass under my bare feet;
  • The sound of Azaan; and last but not least
  • The cooling water whenever I take the ablution.

So...just sit back and relax and enjoy those moments that would make you smile and that would give you the comfort; even for a little while.

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