
Sunday, 14 November 2010

Opposites Attract & The Jigsaw

In reference to a relationshiop, a magnet symbolises two things - 1. Couples going in different directions (one to the South, the other to the North); and 2. Couples attracted to each other (opposites). "Opposites Attract" they say. But do they really?

I married a guy who is generally different from me. Sometimes I think it's impossible for us to even talk to each other. We just can't understand what the other meant! At first it was difficult for me to comprehend. Always told myself that I've found the wrong man. Always told myself that I should have looked for a guy who could understand me better.

But as the years went by, I started to understand. Though we are different, we are actually complementing each other. I was always the forgetful and he would remind me. He would always mis-understand something and I would clarify it to him. I was always rushing into things...he would show me the yellow light to make me stop and think it over.

Nobody is perfect. So, what we are lacking is filled in by our partners and our team members. There's no harm in getting a different partner or totally the opposite from us. We only need to understand each other's strengths & weaknesses. Each one of us is like a piece of the jigsaw puzzle. Only when we are attached to each other, would we make a complete picture.

Sure, some people say that life would be more fun if we found those who are like us. But is it really going to be more fun? We'd be doing the same thing together, share the same interest, watch the same kind of movie and listen to the same genre of music. Maybe in years to come we'd be tired of all those things that we have been doing and then what?
Imagine that we have members who think & have the same interest as us, in our team. Whatever ideas we brought forth, would be agreed by them with no objections. Whatever strategies we thought of, are okay with them. What would eventually happen to the team? It'll lack enthusiasm, lack new ideas, lack new interest. The team members won't have to stretch their minds to think 'out of the box' already.
In short, life needs variety, don't you think?

A Shoulder To Lean On

When I was living in Subang Jaya, I used to take the Metro Bus from / to KL. From KL, the bus stop was in front of Kotaraya. I'd always have to rush over to board it along with the many other passengers; because that bus was always full to the stairs.

Most of the time, it seemed to be full because most of them didn't want to go further inside. So most of the time too, I had to squeeze myself in. Thanks to the then my petite figure. Haha. And as I was in, of course I'd have to stand. Sometimes there'll be a gentleman who would give his seat for me. But most of the time I'd have to wait for someone to get down.

There were times when I was fortunate enough to get a seat. There were also times when the passenger sitting next to me dozed off to sleep (who would not, if one would have to wake up early in the morning to go to work and come back when it was already dark). When they were deep in sleep, they'd tend to slump over on to my shoulder. I wouldn't mind if it was a lady...but if it was a guy...duhhh!! They're heavy!

Come to think of it, in life, sometimes we do need a shoulder to lean on. Not necessarily a well-known shoulder as in our best friend or confidante, but sometimes we could pass for a stranger. And not necessarily we hope for them to solve our problems....just to ease the burden off our own shoulders. But of course, not many people like this idea.

Don't get the wrong idea, though. I'm not suggesting that you pour your heart out to every stranger you met. It's just that sometimes we don't want to bog our friends down with our petty problems or self-insufficiencies...and sometimes we want to protect our pride too, eh? And who knows....strangers could become friends. It's not uncommon.

Friday, 5 November 2010

Never Say "Never"

When hardships befallen, most of the time you'd here people say "I swear I'll never do that again" or "I will never forgive you" or "I'll never speak to you again". You'd also sometimes hear people say "I'll never leave you".

And then, some time later in life...those 'never' turns out otherwise. When you heard them say "I'll never leave you"...sooner or later they will. When you heard them say "I'll never do that again"...sooner or later they will. On the other hand, if you heard them say "I'll never forgive you" or "I'll never speak to you again"...don't worry, sooner or later they will take it back. They will forgive you and they will speak to you again. But in the meantime, just let it go.

"Never" is a strong word. Never say "Never". Because we do not know what is in store for us, in the future.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Taking A Side Step

Ever since I started working, I was always in the shipping industry. The earlier six years were spent with two distinguished shipping agencies. Then I went into the port industry. Always having to do with containerisation. That was my passion, it seems.

But since 2002, I was lured into doing marketing, a job which I had been trying to elude since my shipping agency days. I really don't like marketing. For some obvious reasons. I would rather do paperwork. But then, I had to follow the instructions. You see, when you're working for people that's your limitations. You just have to follow what they asked you to do.

This is the type of marketing where you need to do almost the impossible. Selling bare land (with basic infra) to foreign investors or even to locals. You need to also sell mangrove area (undeveloped land). And it's not just some bare land or mangrove area...they come with a sub-lease. So there's time factor involved. It was indeed a challenging and yet interesting job to do. Only that, when you work for people your limitations are also in terms of balancing between what are needed and could be done. You couldn't reach out to the global market so much because there's the budget that's tightening your every being. So you just have to be creative or play it the conventional way.

However, 8 years later and today, I'm taking a side step away from the port and shipping industry. Not totally...but I'd say almost 3/4 of me is already out. I'm now going into the property industry. I don't know how...and I don't know what it takes to play the game in this new playing field (for me). But I'm willing to give it a shot. I'll never know until and unless I've done it, right?

JBiz Management was set-up to lure foreign investors into setting up their businesses around Johor, particularly in manufacturing or warehousing. It's some sort of a consultancy work. For the time being...that's what I'm focusing on. For the mid-term, I'm going for the Real Estate License. I figured that if I want to be in it, might as well immerse myself in it. You know...

For the past few months I've been reading a lot about behavioral models and personal characteristics. Up to this point, I think and I'm sure that I have those basic criterias to make it to success. It's all up to me, whether I want to do it or not. This was the test that I wrote about in my earlier postings.

I'm starting small. But I'm dreaming big. God willing.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Kenangan SMMR

Merujuk pada posting aku pasal Pelajaran (Education) - Bhg. 5.

Antara kenangan mengusik jiwa:

1. Aku jatuh hati kat classmate aku yang sorang ni...sebab muka dia comel dan dia sangat pemalu. Aku suka kacau dia. Haha. Dia pun pengawas jugak. So, kalau dapat duty sama dengan dia, memang aku seronok. Tapi tak tau camana...lepas Form 5 tetiba je putus hubungan.

2. Lepas SPM aku rapat dengan 'S' yang aku admire sebab dia pandai main gitar. Sekejap je...lepas masuk ITM, aku putuskan hubungan dengan dia.

3. Masa Form 4, aku pernah dapat surat cinta dari sorang 'secret admirer'. Dia selitkan surat tu dalam alas meja aku. Antara ayat2 dia yang masih aku ingat "...sebusuk-busuk bau bunga taik ayam, wangi lagi bau mu".

4. Hehe...masa tu aku suka balut meja aku dengan kertas. Pada kertas tu aku tampal gambar2 dari majalah Gila-Gila. Lepas tu aku lapik kertas tu dengan plastik. Herannya...kenapa aku tak pernah dapat anugerah meja tercantik. Hmmm...

5. Mak & Abah cukup tak suka masa tu aku dok berkawan dengan Long, Ngah, Pian & The Gang. Sebab diorang ni mat-mat rock. Mak & Abah tu tak tau ke...anak diorang ni Minah Rock? Heh.

6. Aku selalu ikut Along pegi training Hoki, padahal aku tak main pun. Tak berani! Aku jadi pom-pom girls je kat tepi padang. Mak selalu marah aku sebab tak pernah lekat kat rumah...padahal dah dekat nak exam. Kitorang selalu ge sekolah petang naik basikal Chopper yang aku dah bega jadik sporty...mud guard semua aku buang. Bila time hujan je..belakang baju habis kotor. Hihi. Sempat 'merempit' lagi tu.

7. Kitorang tusyen subjek Add Maths kat rumah aku. Cikgu dari Sekolah Sains Raub. Cikgu tu bagus...slow & steady je dia ajar kitorang, walaupun aku ni bengap tahap babun. At last, aku flunk juga subjek tu. Mak cakap "Tak apalah. Kak Muna (sepupu aku) pun tak pass juga". Haha. Ada ke...

8. Masa Form 5, aku kamceng dengan brader-brader Upper 6 sampai ada sorang tu jadi 'abang angkat' aku. Hampir semuanya dari Felda Sg. Koyan. Ada sekali tu, diorang nak datang beraya ke rumah...Abah tipu diorang, cakap aku tak de. Rupanya Abah tak suka...sebab diorang datang pakai seluar jeans & T-Shirt je. Heh. Apa daaa...

9. Ustaz suruh aku masuk pertandingan Musabaqah. Aku cakap aku bukannya pandai mengaji (maksud aku, tak pandai berlagu). Ustaz tu marah...dia kata "Huish! Takkan tak pandai mengaji!". So aku pun masuk la... Masa pertandingan tu, aku kena tegur dek juri "Lain kali kalau tak pandai berlagu, jangan berlagu". Hahaha... Sapa yang malu? Akuuu jugak!!

10. Beberapa kali gak masuk pertandingan bakat menyanyi...selalunya aku duet dengan Nur Sham Amir Hussin. Tapi kitorang selalu kalah dengan geng kakak senior. Aku ingat lagi, dalam satu pertandingan tu, kitorang nyanyi lagu duet Hanya Sekali (The Sisters, kembar arwah isteri M. Nasir tu). Geng Senior tu nyanyi lagu Berita Dari Rantau - Alleycats. Tapi persembahan diorang memang menarik.

11. Sorang Cikgu ni tanya "Awak ni anak Mat Salleh ke?" sebab aku dapat A1 dalam English. Sayangnya...aku tak dapat gred yang sama untuk BM. Kenapa ehh..??

Suatu Waktu Dahulu - Dwen

Lagu ni aku tujukan khas untuk geng2 SMMR....Lagu kenangan.

Monday, 1 November 2010

There's Always A First Time For Everything

Some people are afraid to try something new. Some are afraid of changes, thus the term "Resistant to Change". Some would say "I don't know how to do it". Are they being paranoid? Let's see....

The first company that I started to work with, Pesaka Jardine, taught me a lot of things. For one, I was taught on 'doing things right for the first time'. In terms of work, this would eventually help to reduce wastage and redundancies. But would this apply in a real life situation? I guess not.

There's always a first time for everything. But how would you do it right the first time if you don't know what you're in for, right? So what differentiates us from one another is our ability to learn from that first time. Sometimes you'll get it right the first time...(perhaps you're being lucky). Sometimes you won't. So what if you don't? Learn from the mistake. Either you don't repeat the same thing again, or you try to do it better.

For example, you are entering into a business venture. That's your first time and you failed. Don't give up. Think back on what you have done (or have not done) that leads to the failure. Change your strategies...learn from those who are experienced... There's always a first time for everything.

There's a first interview. A first time falling heads over heels for a cute gal. A first time you fall out of love. A first time you fall face down onto the sidewalk. A first time you have to talk in front of a large audience. A first meeting with all the top management. A first time you have a baby. A first time you were scolded in front of your co-workers. A first time you went totally broke...bla bla bla..

The point is...don't be too paranoid. Don't be too afraid. If you have to do it, just do it. It's okay if you fouled up. It's okay if you make a mistake. Just learn from it and move on. So what...

There's always a first time for everything...