
Friday, 15 April 2016


It seems like I have neglected this Blog since we arrived at 2016. It wasn't intentional. I had some issues that I need to settle. has my 4 months been? Let's see:

1. My kids have grown up taller. My daughter has almost reached my height! And she is so proud of herself. Heh. She's going to be 10 this May and my son will be 9 in June.

2. My school friend, who had the rectum cancer, passed away on New Year's eve. I couldn't go and visit his family then. So we communicated through Facebook.

3. My cousin held a double wedding for her sons in March. It was a grand wedding! The day after the wedding, we went for a retreat at this eco-resort called 'Tanah Aina Farrah Soraya'. It was a great feeling.

4. Another school friend, whom I knew very well, passed away on April 1. It was a sudden death. Again, I wasn't able to go and visit. She had no children. So I pity her husband very much. The last time I met her was on 25th December 2015, when she was waiting on her husband who was hospitalised.

5. I didn't look for a job. But I guess I need to.

That's all in a nutshell. I'll write some more in a few days' time.

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