
Saturday, 5 September 2015

Being Hungry

Apart from growing up, there is one thing that you should not stop doing - be HUNGRY. Not hungry for food, but hungry for INFORMATION.

Everyone of us started as babies who didn't know anything. As we grow older, we picked up some words and we know when we are hungry (for food). When we go to school, we learn a lot of new things. We learn how to write, read and speak. But once we get out of study, when we finished college (or University), we went to work and then we stop learning. We learn only the things that we need to know about the job that we are doing.

We need to learn about other things as well. Most importantly, we must learn how to develop ourselves. So how do we do this? There are three things we can do:

1. Read a lot. Regardless of the material, read! But, make sure we read only positive stuffs.

2. Go for trainings. Some people refused to go for trainings because they think they already know so much. There is actually no limit to the knowledge in this world. Nobody could possibly 'know everything'.

3. Mix with the right kind of people. If you want to know more about cars, mix with those involved in the automotive industry. If you want to know more about film-making, mix with those involved in the film industry. If you want to know more about how to become a better father / husband, mix with those who are spiritually and mentally motivated and those who have already succeeded as a father / husband.

When we know a lot of things, we are able make better decisions for ourselves and our family, in times of need. We may also avoid making poor decisions that would cost us money, time and effort. We may also be able to help other people by giving them our point-of-view on certain matters. We may also be able to provide services to other people.

In other words, having more information would open wide the doors for us.

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