
Friday, 13 August 2010

Life's Analogy

Courtesy of a friend through email

When we're driving, everything out there would pass us by in a split seconds. The faster we drive, the faster they will pass us. Only when we stop would we be able to reflect back what we have passed through. If, we want to reflect. Life is like owing and driving a car. Top performance cars provide fast drive and that reflects whether you like to live on the fast or the slower track. While image and prestige are reflected on the type or brand of the car. Whether its a diamond-clad Merc like the one up there...or a BMW Sports...a Waja or an upgrade plain little Kancil...its how you perceive your life's worth.

Courtesy of Mdm Hanie Razaif-Bohlenger through her FB

Sometimes in life you might have to bend corners and sometimes it's a smooth drive. Sometimes you'll get caught up in a traffic congestion that your life seems as if it's on a standstill. But hey, it's all just temporary...Sooner or later you'll arrive at your destination. Safely. If, you know how to navigate properly.

Courtesy of pics

No matter how far you're going and how fast you're driving, at times you'll always have to look at your dashboard. Do you still have enough fuel (resources) to go on or are you driving according to the speed limit. Are you going too fast or too slow? Dashboards are to gauge your performance and where you are, in it in your working life or your personal life. So that you are always on the right track to achieve your objectives.

Courtesy of

Along the way, make sure that you are always in tip top condition. So those are like the tyres and the engines that you should have. Punctures or engine breakdowns aren't good for the ride. It'll create great stoppages in your life. Or perhaps accidents. Take good care of your health.

Courtesy of auto

Radios provide you entertainment and information. In life, you need to have that extra energy to keep on moving. Be entertained and be informed. So that you would always feel energetic and won't be left out. The airconditioner symbolizes comfort; so you are at ease in what you're doing.

Courtesy of

This one's from my friend Rabindra Dev Prasad: "The windshield is bigger than the rear mirror because our future is more important than the past". But, you'd still need to take a glimpse of the past; now and then, to learn from your mistakes and look at how far you've gone through.

Courtesy of commons wikimedia

Side mirrors are like those people around you...those who would matter in your life. Never forget them, whenever you want to take a turn in your life. Those who don't matter...just leave 'em behind and move on.

P/S: The above is my dream car...which I am pursuing from the past two months onwards.

1 comment:

  1. the analogy is well written. Membuat aku aku berfikir tentang kehidupan....
