I'm not a fan, if that's what you're about to ask me. But yeah, I do watch football or soccer or whatever the game is called. I'm sure some of you aren't either. And some are die-hard fans...especially to this Red D*&^$ (can't say it out loud) team.
When you're watching the game, do you realise that football or soccer or whatever the game is called, relates closely to our life?

In life, we need to have strategies. Because we need to develop ourselves, we need to be from here to there and always, we need to be better off tomorrow than we are today. Strategies would provide us with the means to achieve what we want to achieve.

Strategies need to be aligned with the goals that we want to achieve. What are the goals you want to achieve in your life? You wanna be successful? Wanna have a mansion facing the Caribbean Sea, perhaps? Or wanna marry the most beautiful girl in your hometown...or the most eligible bachelor? Maybe. Goals are usually derived from dreams.
What do you dream of becoming in 5, 10 or 20 years' time? You dream of being rich and famous? You dream of becoming the most popular artiste of the Century? The most respected person in your hometown? Dream a dream...today. And set your goals to make that dream come true.

Be the Captain of your own life. Chart your own course towards achieving your goals and realising your dream. Nobody should tell you what to do except you yourself. A famous quote says "You are the Master of your fate and the Captain of your soul". And Donald Trump says "No one should care about your money and your success more than you do".

But sometimes you need to refer to someone to do it properly. So that you can avoid making mistakes along the way. So look for someone who has the experience and the expertise and who's willing to share with you their knowledge. Make him/her your coach or your mentor to whom you can always refer to, whenever you're in doubt. Remember that great sportspeople like Tiger Woods, Nicol David, David Beckham or even Asafa Powell...wouldn't be who they are today without their coaches.

Football, or soccer, or whatever the game is called, is a hard game. In life, you'd always have to play it hard, if you want to be successful. So sometimes you have to defend yourself against the brutality of life. Scepticisms, criticisms, denials, betrayals, etc. In doing so, you'll always need to know your ground. "Keep your eye on the ball", some people would say. But to me, you nee to always KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE GOAL. Because that's where you're gonna score.

In life, you'd always need to strive hard in order to achieve what you want. You must persistent and the passion to really want success. Success doesn't come easily. You have to work hard for it. And when the opportunity arise, you strike the goal.
And then you'll become the winner. But sometimes you've tried very hard and never got the chance to strike goal. Don't fret. Life's like that...sometimes you'll win, sometimes you'll lose. Every time you lose, you have to get back up and running. It doesn't matter how many times you lose but what matters most is how fast you get back up. So you always have to keep you eye and your mind on the goal.
So start playing your own game today.

But sometimes you need to refer to someone to do it properly. So that you can avoid making mistakes along the way. So look for someone who has the experience and the expertise and who's willing to share with you their knowledge. Make him/her your coach or your mentor to whom you can always refer to, whenever you're in doubt. Remember that great sportspeople like Tiger Woods, Nicol David, David Beckham or even Asafa Powell...wouldn't be who they are today without their coaches.

Football, or soccer, or whatever the game is called, is a hard game. In life, you'd always have to play it hard, if you want to be successful. So sometimes you have to defend yourself against the brutality of life. Scepticisms, criticisms, denials, betrayals, etc. In doing so, you'll always need to know your ground. "Keep your eye on the ball", some people would say. But to me, you nee to always KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE GOAL. Because that's where you're gonna score.
Teammates, in life, are those people who would support you all the way. These would not necessarily mean your spouse or your family or your friends...for sometimes they could become your greatest hurdles. If you have a very supportive spouse, family or friends; then good for you. If not, don't be disheartened. You are the Captain of your soul, remember?

In life, you'd always need to strive hard in order to achieve what you want. You must persistent and the passion to really want success. Success doesn't come easily. You have to work hard for it. And when the opportunity arise, you strike the goal.

You see, in the game of life, you are actually competing against yourself...To live a better life or to become a better person. And you deserve to be better...you deserve to be the BEST!
So start playing your own game today.
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ReplyDelete... Kak Tam
Thanks, Kak Tam. Glad that you do. You are my greatest teamate...hope you know that.