
Monday, 28 June 2010

It's Just a Simple Game, Actually

Yeah...FIFA World Cup is here. Again. The much awaited game of all. Come to think of it, football is just a simple game. 20 people, running after one particular ball and trying all their might to kick it into the goal. While two people, on either side of the field, try to block the ball from going into the goal...that they are guarding. It may sound stupid, to some people who don't appreciate football at all. On the more rationale side, it's just a game about winning. Or is it?

If it is such a simple game, then why do people from around the world wait for it in anticipation even when it's held only once in four years? Was it just for fun? Was it for this trophy? I mean, there are other World Cup games like bowling, skiing, baseball, cricket, etc. But why is the FIFA World Cup so famous that the games are watched by millions of people around the world?

The game has been around since 1930. Way before Malaysia gained its independence. Including this year, FIFA has held 19 world cup tournaments (there was a 12-years' gap during the Second World War). Do you know that out of all the nations that have played in this tournament, only 7 national teams have won the World Cup title..with Brazil having the most (5 titles)?

But throughout the has created its own phenomenon. Pain..physical pain associated with the game is a usual. But psychological pain, resulted from the losses..are much to endure. Missing only one point or one goal, that led to the team being let down from going ahead was a major let down to some. Not only the players, but also the management of the team and also the supporters. And those losses, would be remembered again and again...every four years. Not including those bias referees and linesmen. Hah! Then there's the technology, evolving tournament after tournament. Who would have thought that technology could evolve around a ball? So was in jersey-making.

The game is indeed simple, but the impact before, during and after the game are what makes it important. By end of the's all about PRIDE. pride. pride. Missing a pride. Scoring a pride. Forget about all the other things that could be associated with the game. All in all, it's as simple as that.

Whaddaya think?

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