
Sunday, 20 June 2010

Happy Father's Day

Today is a day, specially dedicated to those who are called Papa, Abah, Ayah, Aba, Baba, Babah, Bapak, Walid, Dad, Daddy, Appa, Father. Daddies, who are usually left out from the highlights of the news, compared to their feminine partner...the mommies. But aside from their sternly figure, there's always a certain softness...aside from their strictness, there's always a certain kindness...and aside from their busy schedule, there's always a place for the family in their hearts.

This day is special for those who regard their children as their precious little a part of their own life...their hearts and their souls.

This day is indeed dedicated to all the Daddies around the world. Know that you do play a major role in your children's lives. Though its the mommies who always get the attention, daddies are idolised in their own special way. I know, 'cause my Abah is my idol.

My fullest respects and my highest regards to ALL of you out there!! Hats ya!

And also the day when I would condemn those who have ignored their kids, abandoned them and abused them...also those devils who killed their own flesh and blood...innocent beings born out of wedlock...out of pure ignorance by the sinners. May you rot in Hell!!

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