
Saturday, 5 June 2010

3 Years Ago...Today

The first time we heard his voice, it was 5th of June, 2007 (050607). His birth was very much awaited. Especially by my husband, because he's been longing for a son after 3 girls from his previous marriage and Atiqah. This one was 2 days ealier than the due date.

When I went into the Labour Room that day and they had me checked, the contractions were already up to the max. The Doc advise me to be warded 'cause she's afraid the stitches would come off because I just had a baby the previous year. Still. she gave me the option to go for normal labour or ceasarean. After discussing it over, I decided to go for another ceasar 'cause I was having a rather bad cough then. I was afraid that I'd have asthma attack during labour...and delivering in a private hospital...normal + operations = a bomb!

While waiting, we discussed on the name. I thought of Putera Muhammad Afiq but then my husband wanted to have his name represented. So we opted for Rafique, which means 'Pendamping'...(what would the best English translation be? I wonder...). So that he'll be the company for the 'chosen one' (Atiqah). I remembered at that time my cousins were all having a good time in Italy...and they suggested 'Rafael'. But we've already settled on Rafique. As it turned out...he was born to be Muhammad Rafique Putra.

This time around, I got the operations on video! The aesthetician recorded it for me. I watched it with the kids sometime ago and they were appalled that a baby came out from Ummi's stomach. It wasn't a good experience because this time I was aware of what's going on...compared to previously, when it was in a state of 'emergency'. So the procedures seemed to be very long. During the operations, when the Doctor was trying to pull his head out, one of the nurses had to 'climb' on top of me and pushed my stomach with her hands...and I was like "Oh My God! What was she doing?"...I was hardly out of breath.

Then I found out that Rafique's little head was a bit bigger for the stitches that the Doctor made based on the previous one. But finally, I think it was about little boy was born. And I saw it on the OT lights too. He was bulky (with all the blankets around him) and squirmy.

This second time wasn't too painful. I got to get up of bed on my own the next day...and walked around a bit. Then when we got home, I could sit on the sofa with not so much pain. But the baby...oh...he was a loud one. Always crying...couldn't be left alonw at all. And the sister, was such a doting sister, even at 1 year old...already wanted to give the bottle to her little bro by herself. And she won't let me sleep with the baby during confinement...she was jealous. She was all excited when we showed her the baby at the hospital, but when we took the baby home...she was crying and pointing at the baby...Maybe she was asking "What's that thing doing in my house? What is that? Who's is that?"...

After a while, it was okay. She finally got used to having a little brother. I regret that I lost a clipping of her patting the brother's back just like we used to, to make him burp. And she actually did that...she turned the brother on his stomach and patted him on the back...hard! While she was laughing...

Rafique was a handsome baby...a handsome kid...and now, a handsome boy. Sometimes overshadowed by his sister. But nonetheless, he's very observant. He picked up things fast...sometimes faster than the sister. He's a bit spoilt (manja) even though I didn't train him to be one but perhaps he picked that up from his Ummi. You know...

I would wish for him to grow up and take care of his sister...always! And for him to master the Arabic and Mandarin languages. He'd become a very successful entreprenuer, one that is kind and generous to the needy.

To my little Rafique...Ummi loves you no matter what!

- Ummi -

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