
Saturday, 29 May 2010

The Terminal

I just missed this movie by the minutes earlier today, aired by Channel 5. But I've watched it before and even read the book. Though this movie has been improved quite a lot, especially the ending, the story was actually quite amazing. And if you've read the book 'The Terminal Man' published by Corgi Books in 2004, you'd find it even extra-ordinary.

The Terminal was based on a true story of a guy named Sir Alfred Mehran. Well...he's actual name is Mehran Karimi Nasseri, who's an Iranian refugee. He was 'stuck' at the Charles de Gaulle airport in France for 16 years (1988 - 2006). He could neither go into Britain nor could he go back to France. He was on his way to England when he was mugged while waiting for a train in northern Paris and his documents were stolen.

But he went to Charles de Gaulle anyway and boarded the flight to London. Because then there was no need for a passport for transits around Europe. However, the authorities in London refused to let him into the country so he was 'returned' back to France. But since he did not have any documents to prove who he was, the French authorities refused to let him enter France either. Since then, he's been living in Terminal 1 of the Charles de Gaulle airport.

All the while he sat on a bench given to him by a Bar which was closed, surrounded by his most valuable possessions...his notes and letters from people who got to know him. He washed himself in the washroom, had his meals in Burger King and (after BK closed down) Mc Donald's. He spent most of his time writing his diary. A Doctor from the Medical Center gave him fresh paper when he ran out. So the book was actually some extracts from his diary. He had a lot of interviews with people all around the world. But no one seemed to be able to help him. He remained a guy without identification.

He acquired the name 'Sir Alfred' when a British authority sent him a letter starting with 'Dear Sir, Alfred...' which he showed to a few people and name sort of stucked to him since. The latest news I read about him in Wikipedia says that he was hospitalised back in 2006 and in 2007 he was taken to a shelter in Paris where he resides til now (I guess).

This is indeed a classic case of being 'homeless'...not in one's own country...but in between countries. How would you feel, being stuck in an airport for 16 years? I bet you couldn't even stand 16 hours...

So...when you think that your house is not good enough for you...remember this guy. And when you think that Burger King or Mc Donald's french fries are not healthy enough...remember this guy. And when you had to wait for a few hours for the next flight or when your flight has been delayed for a night...remember this guy.

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