
Sunday, 21 March 2010

Sign from Above?

For the past few days, I've experienced some weird things. Not that 'something' happened...but some words that 'came' to me unexpectedly. And it happened a few times.

I told a friend via SMS not to measure himself up against those fortunates but to measure himself down against those unfortunates. So that he'll count his blessings and be grateful with what he has. Not long after that, I came across similar verse in the book I'm reading (The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari) that says 'never get into the petty habit of measuring your self-worth againats other people's net worth'.

Then my friend responded to one of my SMS very very much later saying that 'things happen for a reason. No regrets'. And that was exactly the same verse that I read in the book a few hours before. "...yet I have learned that everything happens for a reason. ...Never regret your past. Rather, embrace it as the teacher as it is".

What does all these mean? I'm sure they were coincidences. And I'm sure that He wants me to do forget about the past and never to regret any of it. Because that was exactly what I'm feeling right now. I kept thinking of my past and wonder about the 'what ifs' when I know I would never be able to bring any of them forth. How could I turn back time? Who was I kidding anyway...Myself, that's who.

Instead, I have to move forward. I have to count my own blessings and be grateful with all the love I have around me. I know he loves me and in return he'll always be dear to me. I'll keep him deep inside my heart and will remember him always. I have to focus on what I'm supposed to be doing and achieve success.

Thank you, God. You have been very kind to me. Alhamdulillah.