
Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Just Another Update

I've been through a lot lately, especially these past few months. But I'm not going to go into details on what has happened. Let's just say that I've quit my 5-figured-pay job in early Feb and now I'm a fulltime housewife. Well..I'd like to term it as Director of Domestic Affairs, just to make it sounds like corporate.

It wasn't a bad idea though, resigning. Now I have more time with my kids (a lot more, actually) and I have flexible time on my hands. Routine's still there, with the house chores and all that, but I could do all that in my own sweet time. But I think I need to be more organised so that I could optimise my time and my effort. Guess I'm still trying to get the hang of it now.

And I couldn't just hang around and do the house chores while my husband labourously work through with his pay to ensure all the loans are served. I have to do something...a lot of things, in order to gain some income. And I've had quite an exposure for the past few weeks so by now I know the 'How'. I'm just stuck a bit on the 'What'. I was supposed to think of what are the possible things I could market on the Internet...could be my hobby, my passion, my expertise, my knowledge. Help me out a bit..

My hobby is reading, that's my passion too. I love knowledege. My expertise would be in the thing that I did during my working days...investor relations. So what could I market??? Pening...pening...pening...waiting for a sign.