
Wednesday, 8 October 2008

11 September 2008

It’s been a while since the last time I wrote to this Blog. I was occupied with some personal matters. I had a miscarriage back in early August so I was on medical leave for quite a while. There were mixed feelings when it occurred. I wasn’t actually prepared to get pregnant again so I’d consider it as an accident. And I wasn’t too sure if I brought the miscarriage on to myself or it was really fated. I ate a lot of durians during the early days – almost every day! That was peculiar because last year I didn’t have the slightest interest to eat durian, not even a bit. I pray to Allah the Al Mighty that I didn’t commit the sin of purposely causing the miscarriage to happen.

During the medical leave, I didn’t actually follow the confinement terms except in taking care of what I ate and drank. Though the elders said that having a miscarriage is worse than having birth, they didn't actually tell me how, in terms of the confinement state we should be in. Nevertheless, I’m still cautious of the activities I’m involved with. I’d really love to start participating in sports again but I’d give myself a few months more to rest. Then I’m off to the fields again and off to London Weight Management again, to resume my treatment. (Weight management? Hmm…Let’s not talk about that now).

It’s a memorable day, today. 7 years ago I was terminated from my employment because of an email I sent to a few colleagues regarding the 9-11 tragedy. It was merely a personal view but one of them took it seriously and forwarded the email to our CEO. I’d rather not reflect the whole event but I did learn a lot from that incident. A few days back it sort of hit me once more. I sent an email to a couple of personally-known colleagues by BCC: to advertise the part-time business that I’m currently doing. But one of them could have sent it to my big Boss because I received an email from him reminding me not to do it again. He said he received it from someone who complained I misused the company email.

I was a bit disappointed because I thought the few colleagues were my ‘friends’ but I guess I was wrong (well…maybe one of them didn’t regard me as his/her friend or he/she could have forward it to someone else who didn’t think that I’m a friend). And I was grateful because my boss didn’t throw me to the DI panel! I think the person who sent the email to him is a hypocrite. I can guarantee that there’s no one person in that company who does not use the company email for personal purposes, except those who came in and out of the office to log-in and log-out. I hate hypocrites! I’ve been trying to avoid myself from being one.

I’m writing from my parents’ house cause I came back to visit them upon their return from performing the Umrah (small Hajj) last Saturday. I was here since Tuesday night with my kids and will be back home on Sunday. Missed my husband so much.

I gotta pen off now. See you again!