
Don't Be Sad Book

289 Practical Ways on How NOT to be Sad and Cure Your Depression Without Medication.

Don't Be Sad is a book written by Dr. 'Aidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni. It's called La Tahzan in Arabic and has been translated to various languages including Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Malaysia, Urdu & English. There are many versions of the Bahasa Malaysia translation for they were published by various parties. However, this is the only English translation in the market, translated by Faisal ibn Muhammad Shafeeq.

This book is unique in the sense that it provides practical advices and reasons on how we should be grateful with our lives, be happy and peaceful. It is a guide for a lifetime because the subject matters were not confined to any particular issues. Though this book was intended for those weary at hearts, the depressed, those in despair and sadness, it would also serve those who are living their normal lives. The way it was written made it easy to read and understand.

The Author
Not much was written about the Author of this book. But from various sources, it was mentioned that Dr. ‘Aidh b. Abdullah b. ‘Aidh Al-Qarni was born in the southern part of Saudi Arabia in 1379H. He was scholar from the Usuluddin Faculty of Imam Muhammad Su’ud Islamic University in 1403/1404H. His major was in Hadith but he’s also a poet. So sometimes you would find in this book poetic wordings that were just wonderful.

“Proclaim (or Read!) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created. Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood. Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful. He Who taught (the use of) the pen. Taught men that which he knew not. Nay, but man doth transgress all bounds. In that he looketh upon himself as self-sufficient. Verily, to thy Lord is the return (of all)” – Al-‘Alaq : 1-8.

Why I'm Promoting This Book Alone?
A few years ago I had a very bad experience in my life. I felt very frustrated and I went into a state of depression. Eventually the depression engulfed me with the sense of loss – I lost the sense of direction, passion to work, will to live and sense of happiness. I thought there was no point living anymore. I couldn’t talk to anyone because I knew nobody could help me then.

But I was glad that even in the darkest hour...Allah the Most Merciful gave me a little bit of strength to pick myself up and keep on moving. He gave me the light towards which I had followed. I start to get myself closer to Him. At the same time, I read all the self-help books I could find at the bookstores - motivational and religious books. There were a lot of books I bought and read. But I was surprised when I found out about this book. All the things I read in a lot of the other self-help books are written in this single book alone! And they are so real that it touched me to the core when I read it.

Even when the subject matter is not relevant to that particular problem that I’m facing, they are still relevant to my life. It is also interesting to read because the subject matters are written in short passages. And it is easy to understand too.

This is what the Publisher says about this book:
"Don’t Be Sad is a book full of practical advice on how to repel despair and replace it with a pragmatic and ultimately satisfying Islamic outlook on life. It exposes to the modern reader how Islam teaches us to deal with the tests and tribulations of this world. Not only that it contains verses of the Holy Qur’an, sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (Blessings and Peace be upon him) and of his Companions; this book also contains sayings of Western and Eastern thinkers and philosophers, that coincide with the truth. So it is actually a book for all.
This book, the culmination of deep and organized thought, says to you in short: "Be happy, at peace, and joyful; and don't be sad.""

By reading this book, you will be able to understand (among others) the following:
1. Remember God and you would find peace.
“Those who believe and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of God: for without doubt in the remembrance of God do hearts find satisfaction”– Al Ra’ad: 28

2. Seek help only from God.
“Unto God belongeth the dominion of the heavens and earth. He giveth and taketh it. Except for Him ye have no protector nor helper”. – At-Tawbah: 116

3. We are tested in bad times and also in good times
“And ye have no good thing but is from God; and moreover, when ye are touched by distress unto Him ye cry with groans; Yet, when He removes the distress from you, behold! Some of you turn to other gods to join with their Lords” – An-Nahl: 53-54

4. Have faith. Everything that happened has been preordained.
“Say: “Nothing will happen to us except what God has decreed for us: He is our Protector”. and on God let the Believers put their trust” – At-Tawbah: 51

5. Be grateful with what you still have.
Count your blessings. Do not count those that you have lost. But look at those that you still have around you no matter how small they are.

6. You are not the only person having problems in this world.
Everyone in this world have problems. Yours might not be as big as the others and there’ll be solutions to every problem. If you reach out to help others, you might find solace in your ownself. The other beings have problems of their own too, if only you'd look around to see.

7. Life is too short
Appreciate life and live it to the fullest. Life is too short for you to let it pass you by with grief, despair and unhappiness.

8. You have a choice
You could either make yourself drowned in despair for the rest of your life; or you could pick yourself up and move on with your life with an objective for the life of the Hereafter.

9. Learn how to forgive and learn from the past
When you learn how to forgive, you will let your heart free from anger and hatred; and you will be at peace. You will never forget the past. Instead, learn from it to make a better living and for you to become a better person.

10. Appreciate your health
Being free from depression would free yourself from depression-related illnesses.
Tips on How to Get the Most from This Book

‘This book is not organised in terms of chapters. You might find that some meanings and topics are repeated throughout the book, which was done by the writer on purpose, so that a given meaning may attach itself to the reader’s mind through repetition’ – Dr. ‘Aidh.

These are what I would recommend:

1. Go through the subjects in the Table of Contents. Each subject would be directly or indirectly related to your current condition. For example, if you are feeling down because you have just lost a job; read on the subject ‘find consolation by remembering the afflicted’.

2. Using a highlighter pen is recommended when you are reading this book.

3. Read one subject a day. Highlight the points in that subject which you think made an impact on you. If need be, look on the Qur’an verses mentioned in the book so that you’d have a better understanding of the meaning.

4. Every time you finished reading on a particular subject, reflect on the points given in that subject and think on how you could apply that to your own self.

5. Tick on the subjects that you have read and move on to other subjects.

Take time to read the book. It is not something that you’d want to finish reading. It is a guide for a lifetime.

I am currently offering this book at RM65.00 (Soft Cover) and RM80.00 (Hard Cover). FREE DELIVERY to anywhere in West Malaysia. To other places, delivery depends on your location.

Email your particulars to me at with your full name and address. I will send you my account no. You would receive the book within 7 working days from receipt of the payment and subject to your location. Insya-Allah.

If you find the condition of the book to be unsatisfactory, you may return it back to me within 7 days from receipt of the book and I will send you a new copy, free of charge.

May God bless us all with a happy and peaceful life.