
Saturday, 31 July 2010

What's with JOHOR (Part 1)

I'm sure you all know what 'Tourism' is, yes? It's an industry that deals with leisure and interesting places where you can go for your vacation. Do you know what 'Business Tourism' is? In most places, Business Tourism is meant for tourists who would come into the country to attend meetings, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, etc.

But I am promoting another side of Business Tourism...which is a tourism for the business people by itself. In this case, I am acting as a 'Tourist Guide' for the business people, especially foreign companies or entities when they want to relocate or expand their existing business; or when they want to set up a new business within this region; by providing them with a guided tour of the industrial areas - virtually as well as physically.

My company is called JBiz Management. And currently, I'm focusing on JOHOR (Excuse me, JOHO with an R ya..). Where is Johor, you might want to know. Well...Johor is the second largest state in West Malaysia and is located on the southern part of the peninsular, neighbouring to Singapore. There are a total of 10 districts in Johor with Johor Bahru district as the capital.

What's with Johor, anyway? Some people might look at Johor as a location inferior to the bustling and developed Singapore. To the business people, this is most likely. Hence you'd find most businesses carry out their operations here to take advantage of the lower cost, compared to Singapore; and yet they'd prefer to live in the Lion City. But...actually Johor has more to offer than the comparative costs.

I could summarise JOHOR as a place where you can 'work, live and play' all at the same time. Here are some interesting points:

1. Industrial Areas
There are a total of 28 industrial areas in Johor. These industrial areas housed most of the renowned manufacturers of textiles, furnitures, paper products and also food-based products. Of course all of these products are exported overseas. Do you know that the Nike t-shirts are made here in Johor? The t-shirts sold in Sears & Roebuck, the furnitures sold in Walmart, US and the cocoa-based products sold to the branded chocolate producers around the world...And now Johor is moving towards some new industry clusters with the likes of bio-technology, nano-technology & oil & gas. So there are a lot of potentials for the businesses to grow here; for big-scale, medium & smaller scale.

2. Residential Area
In Johor, you would find residential areas catered for the high-class as well as middle-class. If you prefer to live in a high-security and lavish high-class residence, you might find Ledang Heights and Leisure Farm appealing. You would find banglow lots ranging from RM700k - RM4mil here. The middle-class areas aren't too bad either. There are gated and secured residential areas. Property developers like Setia Properties, Bukit Indah Residences, Nusajaya, Horizon Hill provide you with a wide array of choices.

Leisure Farm Resort

Ledang Heights, Nusajaya

Setia Eco Park

3. Nature
To me, this is the best part. Even though with its vast plains of flat land, Johor still has some hidden beauty inside the patches of its jungle. And because it is located at the tip of the peninsular, Johor boasts the longest beach in Malaysia that stretches up to 400km from the East to the West side of the State.

Trek up the legendary Mount Ophir (Gunung Ledang), 1276m above sea level

Buaya Sangkut Waterfall deep in the heart of Endau Rompin National Park; one of the oldest tropical jungle in the region.

Beautiful stretch of white sandy beach off Desaru, on the east of Johor

Sunset off Sibu Island. Johor hosts 8 large islands mainly on the eastern side.

-to be continued with Part 2

If you want to find out more about JBiz Management, contact me at

Sources of information:

Google Images

Friday, 30 July 2010

Short Story : Journey Home (Part 2)

The station was alive. That's a common, for a bus station. The minute I stepped into the Terminal a few guys came at me. Not that they were interested to get to know me nor to do anything bad to me...but to sell me tickets. But I already had my ticket. So I just shrugged them off. It was still cold. Still wet. I had to endure the light rain to get to Platform 12. So I had to cross over a few platforms. The road was still wet and oily. I had to be careful not to step into the water puddles. Luckily I had my Hush Puppies on.

I didn't even look up when I was walking. I don't want the rain to get into my spectacles. For I don't have any wiper to wipe the water off. And that would make my vision blur. I don't like blurred vision. That's why I wear spectacles.

When I got to Platform 12, there were quite a number of people inside. It was a temporary station so the waiting area was just a tent with some plastic chairs to sit on. There were a few buses parked at the staging area...but none was bound for Johor Bahru. Not yet. It's still an hour to go. I didn't mind the wait. I had a book with me. But then I bought two newspapers. I wasn't being greedy or wasteful. I just love to read. Blame my father for it. My reading habit was influenced by him.

I took two seats. One for me to sit and the other for my bag. The ground was wet and I didn't want my bag to get dirty. I didn't read the book nor the newspapers. Not that I was being wasteful. People watching was more interesting. There were two white ladies with big backpacks. I didn't know where they were going. I didn't ask them. Nor would I care to. There was a family of six or so with some small children. Then they rushed off to their waiting bus. Then came another family. Not too far from where I was sitting, I saw the guy from the train who sat with his hands folded and a frown on his face. He still had his frown, though his hands were unfolded now.

I had an interesting watch that night. Many people from all walks of life came and went. Then the bus I was waiting for, arrived. It was a double decker. Cool. But it wasn't so cool afterall. The seats were too close and I had a hard time trying to get into the seat. Luckily I don't have long legs. But they're not short either. And luckily the seat next to me was vacant so I could put my backpack on it. Even though seats were meant for people to sit on, I put my backpack on it. Nobody seemed to mind. So that's okay.

The bus was freezing cold. I felt like I was sitting in the refrigerator. The freezer section. I began to cough. I couldn't stand cold. The guy in the front seat looked at me and handed me some lozenges. I took it and thanked him. He was being concerned. You could hardly find concerned strangers nowadays. Sincerely concerned. That's what I meant. It was good. The lozenge, I mean. I wasn't coughing anymore and I got to doze off to sleep.

3.00am. The bus passed through the Skudai Toll Plaza. And a few minutes later I disembarked from the bus in front of the McDonald's in adjacent to a Petronas service station. I bought some french fries and a cup of coffee. I've never eaten in McDonald's at 3.00am in the morning before. That was the first time. There's always a first time for everything.

4.30am. I was finally home. It was a great feeling. Being home. Like they say "There's no better place than home".

Photos taken from Google Images.

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Short Story : Journey Home (Part 1)

It was drizzling when I stepped out from the PWTC onto the streets. 'Twas after 9pm. Since it was a Sunday, there were not many people around. Or perhaps a lot of them were inside, sheltered away from the drizzle. It was wet. The road, I mean.

The walk to the LRT Station wasn't that bad though. Luckily I had my Hush Puppies on...and my jeans..and a long coat. With a backpack, it reminded me of the good ol' days when I was a 'hippie' going around KL on foot. But that night was cold. My nose was getting stuffy. And my lungs were getting tighter.

As I hopped on to the platform, there were a few youngsters loitering around. Waiting for the train, I assumed. A couple was smooching in a corner, like they were in their own world. Surely they couldn't do it at home. That's what I thought. And maybe they're not that well-off to get a room in a hotel somewhere. Or maybe they wanted people to see them like that. Purposely. Or perhaps they just couldn't stand the need any more...Huh? Perhaps.

"03 mins. Tren ke Ampang/Sri Petaling". Suddenly a beep on my handphone indicated someone was messaging me. "Ah...Abang". What a sweet surprise. While responding to the message, the train arrived and I hopped on. Took a while to notice the announcement "Next station, Miharja". "Oh! Shit...I was on the wrong train. This one's going to Ampang". I should've got down at Chan Sow Lin and went on the other platform to Seri Petaling. So I got off at Miharja and went the other side waiting for the train back to Chan Sow Lin.

Miharja was a foreign place to me. It was kind of deserted. Sunday night, nearly 10pm, raining. Perhaps. A call to a friend kept me company. Finally the train arrived and I made sure I was on the right one this time. There was no empty seat. Well, there was one, actually. But the guy sitting next to it acted as if he was in a cafe somewhere, with his laptop fully opened and he was occupying the seat that could've accommodated two people. Selfish. That's what he was.

Fortunately, it was only a station away. I got off and went to the other platform, waiting for the train to Sri Petaling. There were quite a number of people on this platform. But they all looked very solemn. The rain. Perhaps. They looked like roosters on a perch in the rain. All quiet and bundled up. The rain dropped on to the tracks making a soothing sound to the quietness. Reminded me of a Barney song that my kids love so much "Listen to the pitter patter, pitter patter of the rain. Hear it tapping gently tapping, tapping on my window pane". And I wasn't singing out loud...just in my heart. And it made me smile. A the cold atmosphere.

Then the train arrived and I managed to get a seat. Not many people going to Sri Petaling at this hour. Perhaps. The guy, sitting in the opposite seat looked like he wasn't enjoying the trip. He sat there with crossed arms...with a frown on his face. The cold. Perhaps. He got a big bundle of bag, carefully wrapped with a water-proof plastic and it read "Nike". But on the other side, two girls, cheerfully talking away amidst the sound of the train and the quietness of the other passengers.

Five stations and finally I arrived at Bukit Jalil station. Surprisingly, a lot of people came out from the same train. And they were all rushing off downstairs. Why the need to rush off? I thought. It's the way of life in KL. Always in the rush-hour mood. Perhaps. And it was raining lightly when I stepped out from the station. Couldn't call it drizzle anymore.

Luckily it was covered pathway to the temporary bus station. And I had my Hush Puppies on....and my jeans...and my long coat. Still, I had to cross the street. Still, I was exposed to the light rain. Still, it was cold. Still, it was wet. The road, I mean.

Monday, 26 July 2010

Be Passionate

Years ago, when I wanted to resign from a job, my boss asked me why and I told him that I wanted to look for something new. To take up a new challenge. Then he asked "Are you sure that what you're gonna do next would satisfy you?". And he said this which I took as an advice "You have to find it in yourself to make your job interesting". To that advice, I held on for many many years until recently I knew that it wasn't supposed to be like that.

I watched a documentary about David Beckham recently - 'The Rise and Rise of David Beckham' which showed about his shot to stardom. Once the documentary ended, I have all this to summarise "He's passionate about football". He started playing football when he was 5. He once said, "At school, whenever the teachers asked "What do you want to do when you're older?" I'd say "I want to be a footballer". And they'd say "No. What do you really want to do for a job?" But that was the only thing I wanted to do".(*)

Tiger Woods, started to swing the club at a tender age of 2. He achieved his first hole-in-one when he was 6 and won the Optimist International Junior World when he was 8. Now he's 34...that means he's been in golf for more than 20 years. His record total on the PGA career money list was USD92.86mil through 2009 and had won USD111mil worldwide. And still going...despite his other 'passion'. (Oh...and his average clubhead speed is 125mph i.o. an average person's speed at 84mph).

"Like all great champions, Tiger has the ability to raise his game when he has to. He's not going to burn out because he plays for his own joy and passion" - Jay Brunza, Woods' Sports Psychologist. (**)

Datuk Nicol Ann David, is currently ranked World's No. 1 in Women's Squash and the first Asian women to achieve this. She was the youngest woman to become the world junior champion when she won the World Junior Squash Championship in Antwerp, Belgium at the age of 15. She defended the title again in 2001, making her one of the only two players in the history of squash to have won it twice. Despite her achievements in squash, Datuk Nicol still managed to excel in her studies by acquiring 7As in her SRP and 7As in her SPM. She started playing squash when she was 5.(*)

Heck...what was I doing when I was 5?? My father was an avid tennis player...why didn't he teach me Tennis then, eh. Else I could've been in the same ranks with Martina Navratilova, Steffi Graf, Chris Evert, Selena Williams...etc. He he.

Jaafar Taib is the founder of Creative Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. the first humour magazine ever produced in Malaysia. Born in 1952, his passion is in illustrating wildlife. He doesn't do so through looking at photos...instead, he'd go into the jungles himself to take photos of the wildelife or to illustrate there and then. Among his best collections was the Birds of Malaysia. His artwork is so intricate that you'd sometimes think it is too real to be an illustration.

When you look at it, most of the greatest artists or figures in the world became famous for what they do best...Because they are passionate in what they do. Being passionate is not only in making love, but also in the making of your own history. For you see, when these people started out, at the tender age of 2 or 5...they would never have imagined that they would be known throughout the world some day. They would never have imagined being World's No. 1s.

When we pursue our passion, we'd always have the desire to do our best. Being rewarded would be the last in our minds. So we should pursue our passion...rather than trying to be passionate in what we're doing now (if it is other than our passion). If we don't have the passion to do something...or even to be with someone...then we should look for something or someone else. Because it means there's no more love. If there's no more love...well, you know how it ends...

So...go for your passion rather than trying to be passionate in what you do or who you're with.


Thursday, 22 July 2010

Whats with JOHO

Have you guys heard of JOHO? Well, I heard it for the first time from on a certain JB Anthology Workshop, which I eventually attended. JOHO is not an association, nor is it an organisation. The name 'JOHO' is not an abbreviation of any's just "joho". Why? They rationalise that when people pronounce the state of Johor (in Malay)'s pronounce with a silent 'R'. So it becomes 'Joho' instead of 'Johor' with an 'R'. Simple...huh?

Whats with JOHO anyway? I've yet to fully understand what's it all about but I think by the side now I got the picture. JOHO is a community set-up by a bunch of young guys...with the objective to promote the talents of young Johoreans in all sorts of art - expressionists, artists, photographers, film-makers, copywriters...etc. And I am amazed at what they have done so far. It's a community that moves on its own...which is great, because it's not influenced by any 'parties' that have hidden agenda. And I hope that it will stay that way. The one thing that I like most, is that this community provides a platform for the youngs to express themselves. That'll pull them out from the streets and hopefully this would reduce the effects of social-ills among the youngs. Kudos to the brains that started it in the first place.

I'm not a Johorean and I'm not a youngster anymore (though I wish...he he). But I'd support this community in any way that I could. You see, when I first heard of Johor and someone proposed that I move down here to work, I said "Oh, no. Johor is the last state that I would go to work to". You know why? Because when I was in college, I met a few Johorean friends and they didn't give me the impression that Johoreans are humble beings. Later on, I heard that the cost of living in Johor is quite high.

But fate has it that I moved down here in 2000 due to a broken heart ("membawa hati yang lara"). And I've been here since...married a Johorean, even. Hmmm... The first thing that caught me back was to find that the people are indeed very friendly and accommodating. Then I had the 'culture shock'...which was the food. Where on earth in Malaysia would you find 'laksa' (white mee) made of spaghetti? And the Yong Tau Foo is made in soup...instead of the dark gravy. Then I got confused between Mee Bandung and Mee Jawa, which I was familiar with, in the Klang Valley. To top it all, the first time I ever saw a real Duku tree...was in Kg. Tiram Duku...a village very close to the port that I was working in. Duku is my favourite fruit...but I've never seen the tree. Peghak... Finally I got hooked on Soto...with Mihun.

As years went by, I have to acknowledge that Johor is a state full of ancestorial memories. There are still centuries-old houses and buildings scattered around the main town JB...but sadly, not so much emphasis was made to preserve these. Especially the old houses. Johor is full of culture too. Aside from the main three, there are also Javanees, Banjarians, Bugists; who have their own dialects, food and 'adat'. Then there's the music - ghazal, zapin and others. Oh! And I got to watch the real Kuda Kepang...some time ago. It was eerie indeed.

So I wish that JOHO could promote these as well in their activities, apart from the modern-age arts. Yeah...check these guys out. They are based in a 'house' just in front of Selat Tebrau...called The Lost Malaya.

Anak Pahang,

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

The Tough Gets Going

I find it very difficult, most of the time, to answer when people ask me "What are you doing now?". Not that I feel embarassed for leaving corporate life to become a housewife, but to sense that those who are asking are expecting something 'better' or 'greater'. Because, whenever I said "Nothing. Just staying at home, taking care of the kids" they'd gawked and responded "Oh! Really?". And I got the feel that they felt like I was kidding them. Hmmm...

No, it's not a crime for leaving a high-paying job to become a housewife, isn't it? But why can't people accept it with an open heart? I wonder...

Then comes the next question : "How do you manage?". And I wonder...yet again...if all those people who resigned from work are being asked those sets of questions. To those who left and got another job, I guess would find it easy to answer. But what about those who left to do their own thing...their own business...their own projects...? Worst, if the business or project is still in infant stage...where you'd see nothing coming out of it. Yet.

But I'd like to share with all of you out there on this particular fact:

This is a test, for me. I'm testing myself... because I want to know how far I can go. Since I've been so comfortable all those years with salaries paid into my account every month, I found that my fighting spirit has died down. So I want to challenge myself. And no, I can't tell you what I'm up to, for now. And yes, it's not a good time. I'm under pressure...a lot of pressure and so does my husband (though he doesn't show it as much). I borrowed some money from people, not knowing when I could ever pay them back. But definitely I will. That's a promise. Banks have started calling. Expenses have started to rise. Regardless...this is something I have to do, for myself. If I don't do this now, I'll never know my true potential. I'll never know the real me.

I know...some of you would say "What a stupid thing to do". I acknowledge that. For those rationally thinking people (my mom, included) would most probably say that. But all my life, I taught myself to always think differently. And I've always wanted to do things differently. So this is what I'm doing. Whether I'm right or wrong...I've yet to find out. So please don't judge me now. I know that I've not done 100% yet... I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone. I'm trying to prove something, to MYSELF. To my own self. Please understand this.

And please know this too:

I believe in myself. I put high expectation on myself and I am determined to do what I want to do. I trust that I have what it takes to survive this self-inclined ordeal and resurface. I know that I can pull this through, no matter what. I've put a certain timeframe for myself to do this. If I fail...I would want to know that I've done my best. But before I fail...I won't give up. My life's principle is always to try three times before giving up. Who knows...I might try more this time. So please...bear with me. all I need to be on my side. And courage, too.

This is the time when I can evaluate my own strength, weaknesses, opportunities and my threats. This is also the time when I can explore the inner me. And for the time being...I highly appreciate and respect my husband for his support and understanding. I love you, Ayang.

Monday, 19 July 2010

The Climb

Life is not always about winning or gaining something or being somebody. It's about experiencing it. It's "THE CLIMB" that matters most.

I can almost see it
That dream I'm dreamin' but
There's a voice inside my head said
"You'll never reach it"

Every step I'm taking
Every I move I make feel
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking

But I...I gotta keep tryin'
Gotta keep my head held high

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waitin' on the other side
It's the climb

These struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm takin'
Sometimes might knock me down
But, No, I'm not breakin'

I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most yeah
Just gotta keep goin'

And I...I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on

'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waitin' on the other side
It's the climb...

Keep on movin' keep climbin'
Keep the faith baby
It's all's all about the climb
Keep the faith, keep your faith...

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Pelajaran (Education) - Bhg. 4

Form 1. Guru kelas tu namanya Ms Tan (masa tu la...dia belum kawin lagi)

Form 1 - Form 3

Sekolah Menengah Perempuan Methodist (MGS Menengah) ni seberang jalan je dengan MGS Rendah. Dan sekolah ni cuma takat Form 3 je. Lepas tu student semua kena bertebaranlah ke sekolah-sekolah 'co-ed' yang berdekatan. Tengku Kudin, Sekolah Syahbandar, Sekolah Mahmud, sekolah Sains...ikut ler mana yang mak ayah nak antor lepaih tu.

Form 2 - Ms. Boh Ai Lan

Whatever it is...time kat MGS Menengah ni pada aku adalah time yang paling gila sepanjang hayat aku bergelar seorang murid sekolah. Dah la sekolah tu semuanya pompuan...time tu la tengah mencari identiti diri. At last, aku jumpa identiti aku - seorang Tomboy yang bercita-cita nak jadi seorang Sasterawan (kes krisis identiti la ni). Ha ha.

Form 3 - Nama guru kelas tu Mrs. dari kiri.

Tapi masa kat MGS ni la aku dapat banyak hadiah untuk penyertaan ko-kurikulum. Aku dapat hadiah untuk pertandingan bersyair, pertandingan berpidato bahasa Inggeris & bahasa Malaysia, pertandingan nyanyian (Kelab Bahasa Cina lagi!) dan juga pementasan untuk setiap tingkatan. Untuk pertandingan bersyair, berpidato & nyanyian...selalunya aku kalah pada member sorang ni; nama dia Nur Sham Amir Hussin. Walaupun dia baru je masuk sekolah tu (bukan dari MGS Rendah), aku pun tak kisah...sebab dia memang best.

Persatuan Puteri Islam - Ustazah Hajah Hafsah yang selalu sabar dengan kerenah kitorang.

Dalam bab sukan, tak silap aku acara padang kureng sket...sebab sekolah ni tak de padang balapan. Dia cuma ada padang rumput untuk game Netball je. So aku aktif dalam Netball la masa ni. Sampai kena marah dek mak, sebab dah Form 3 pun aktif Netball lagi, padahal nak exam SRP. Sekali tu ada pertandingan Jogathon...jauh gak beb, dalam 5 km. Aku bangga sebab aku berjogging tanpa henti. Itupun aku kalah gak dengan member baik aku namanya Ramnah. Hmmm...dengan dia ni memang aku tak pernah menang kalau bab lari-lari neh.

Form 2 - with my closest buddies. Ruhani no.3 dari kiri baris tengah - yang selalu buat kelakar. Tengok member Kaisara yang kelam-kabut dalam siri Kaisara tu, teringat kat kat dia.

Kenangan yang memang tak boleh aku lupakan sepanjang belajar kat sini:

1. Masa Form 2 - kena marah dek Ms. Boh sebab aku & two others, bergaduh dengan budak dari Kelas C. Gaduh bukan sebab apa, kitorang suspek budak-budak tu buat tak senonoh dalam kelas, waktu petang, sebab diorang kunci pintu kelas. Bila kitorang suruh buka, diorang tak nak buka. Mungkin sebab kes tu, Kelas aku kalah dalam pertandingan persembahan esok harinya. Padahal semua dah praktis bagai nak rak - kitorang buat tarian 'Eiderweiss'.

2. Masa Form 2 gak - first time aku datang bulan (dengan tak malunya nak cerita gak neh). Tapi time tu cuti sekolah. Oleh sebab mak pun tak pernah ajar apa-apa...aku pun dah panik. Dalam kepala nak pegi jumpa Cikgu Kaunseling je, bila bukak sekolah nanti. Tak jadi, sebab kakak sepupu aku tolong explain. Heh. Bera je muka aku masa tu. Punya la innocent.

Form 3 - Lepas game Netball

3. Masa Form 2 lagi - Ustazah Hajah Hafsah, yang mengajar subjek Agama, pernah tanya "Siapa yang tak suka dilahirkan sebagai perempuan?". Boleh kata 3/4 kelas angkat tangan.

4. Masa Form 3 - Ms. Tan pernah marah kitorang buat bising masa beratur kat luar kelas. Dia kata sepatutnya kitorang ni semua berlagak macam 'pompuan' (ladylike) bukannya 'lelaki'. Dia ingatkan kitorang, next year (Form 4) akan pegi sekolah kenalah jaga tingkahlaku. Lepas tu dia nak ajar tentang 'reproductive system'...semua cakap tak nak. Dia tanya siapa pernah baca buku Mills & Boon (novel romen2 yang tengah top masa tu); adalah 3 orang yang angkat tangan. He he.

5. Masa Form 3 gak la - Final untuk exam SRT (Sains Rumahtangga), aku kena masak resipi nasi goreng. Bila dah siap, Puan Raja Esah (Cikgu SRT) panggil Guru Besar & staf admin sekolah datang untuk testing. Ada ke sorang kerani lelaki ni kata nasi goreng aku hangit! Aku jawab balik "Ini bukan hangit la...ini namanya garing!".

Form 3 - Dengan Mrs. Chew lepas Sambutan Hari Guru

6. Untuk kelas SRT, aku kena partner dengan sorang member namanya Che Norhaslina. Tapi kitorang selalu terlupa nak beli alat-alat untuk memasak. Selalu la kena pinjam dengan orang lain.

7. Masa Form 3 - Abah suruh aku pakai tudung...which aku tak berapa suka sebab mak dah buatkan skirt putih prefect untuk aku. Tapi tak boleh nak protes. Tu kalau protes, memang cari nahas namanya.

8. Masa Form 3 gak la aku start pakai specs. Itupun bila Ms. Tan suruh semua murid pegi check mata.

Ini geng kamceng aku. Totally awesome & crazy lots.

9. Dalam pada dok selalu kena marah dek mak sebab asyik berNetball je...aku dapat juga score 10 Aggregat untuk SRP. Hu hu hu.

10. Dan dalam pada selalu dimarah Cikgu sebab nakal, kitorang baik juga dengan Cikgu-Cikgu tu semua especially Puan Raja Esah (yang mulanya garang giler)...siap pegi beraya ke rumah dia kat atas bukit Taman Abu Bakar; Ustazah Hajah Hafsah (yang mengaku kitorang ni macam anak-anak dia. Padahal masa tu dia belum kawin pun lagi); Ms. Boh (yang menangis pada hari perpisahan bila dia nak tukar ke tempat lain sebab mengikut bakal suami dia).


Akan Datang: Sekolah Menengah Mahmud

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Pelajaran (Education) - Bhg. 3

Ini gambar Darjah 6 Mawar. Ada pangkah, ada bulat tu, biasalah. Adat budak baru...ada member yang dia suka, ada yang tak berapa suka. Tapi sekarang ni semua jadi member baik aku belaka.

Lepas aku bertukar dari Sek Rendah Clifford, aku dimasukkan ke Sekolah Rendah Perempuan Methodist aka Methodist Girls' School (MGS) kat Jalan Cheroh, Raub. Masa tu kitorang tinggal kat Dong. Tapi sebab mak aku pun mengajar kat aku pun kenalah belajar kat sini. Walhal sebelum-sebelum tu tak pernah pun aku belajar di sekolah yang sama ngan mak aku (except of course, sekolah tumpang tu la). So selalunya aku kena bangun awal pagi untuk naik van. Dalam perjalanan tu sempat le membuta lagi. Heh.

Adatlah, bila jadi 'budak baru' penerimaan orang lain tu ada yang okay, ada yang tak okay. Aku dimasukkan ke Darjah 6 Mawar. Aku dah lupa nama Guru Kelas aku masa tu...yang pakai baju pink dalam gambar tu. Dia ngajar English tapi garangnya mak ai...tak sah kalau dia tak terjerit-jerit dalam kelas, marah budak. Mak aku ngajar Geografi. Tapi tak pernah nak bagi peluang aku jawab soklan. Sedih la jugak kan...nak tunjuk terer kat mak, tapi tak diberi peluang.

Beberapa kenangan aku belajar kat sini

1. Pertama kali belajar kat sekolah 'all girls'. But it was cool, actually.

2. Itulah kali pertama mak aku mengajar aku. Dan juga kali terakhir, sebab lepas tu aku dah naik sekolah menengah.

3. Masa nak kena cucuk cacar, aku 'terlepas' sebab aku demam. He he. Sib baik gak la mak aku ada masa tu. Dia yang bagitau nurse tu aku tengah demam. Tapi yang tak larat tu...terpaksa beratur panjang giler dari bawah bukit naik ke pejabat Guru kat atas bukit. At last tak jadi kena cucuk.

4. Time rehat bebudak Melayu ramai yang makan kat belakang blok sekolah. Selalunya diorang bawak bekal. Kekadang aku menumpang gak la. Tapi satu hari tu aku dengar sorang member ni cakap "Jangan bagi dia. Asyik nak rasa kita punya je, dia tak pernah pun nak bawak". Bukan aku tak pernah bawak bekal dan kalau aku bawak mesti aku share gak dengan diorang. Mentang-mentang ler aku budak baru... Sejak tu aku dah tak join diorang lagi. Aku pegi la makan kat kantin walaupun kantin tu diuruskan oleh seorang Cina. Mi kari dia sedap gak! Hmm...

5. Bila ada sukan waktu petang, aku selalu ketinggalan van. Sebab van tu ambik budak dari sekolah-sekolah lain gak. Last trip pukul 6 petang. Kalau sukan habis lepas pukul 6, aku terpaksalah pegi lepak kat bilik mak sedara aku yang jaga kantin di Sekolah Tengku Kudin. Lepas Maghrib mak aku datang ambik. Kekadang aku ge rumah mak sedara aku sorang lagi kat Taman Muhibbah. So, ada masa melilau gak la mak ayah aku mencari. Anak dara sorang weh...sapa tak risau, kan?

6. Dalam van sekolah tu ada dua orang adik-beradik lelaki dari sekolah lain. Aku suka kat si abang. Satu hari tu aku tulis surat nak berkenalan, aku tampal kat dinding van tempat mamat tu selalu duduk. Sekali dia tak nampaklah surat tu... Tauke van tu yang jumpa! Esok tu Tauke tu tanya aku. Malu jugak seyyy... Yang bagusnya, dia tak tanya aku depan bebudak lain. Fuhh!! Legaaa... Tapi hasrat aku nak berkenalan tu terkubur gitu je la. Bebaru ni 'jumpa' balik mamat tu dalam Facebook. Hmm...Facebook lagi.

7. Berlakon jadik seorang peminta sedekah (Beggar) dalam satu pementasan Bahasa Inggeris. Aku ambik kain batik mak aku...aku tampal-tampal dengan kain lain-lain untuk jadikan dia compang-camping. Glamer ler keh sekejap, weh.


Akan Datang : Sekolah Menengah Perempuan Methodist (Crazy Time!!)

Monday, 12 July 2010

It Has Finally Ended

I'm sure people of all walks of life are talking about the final game. Especially people in Spain, it would be the talk of the century. The Trophy is finally theirs...a history in the making. All it needed was one goal...and one chapter was carved in history of Spain as well as the FIFA World Cup, forever. A finale full of shouts of joy for some...and a teary-eyed ending for the others.

Watching the ending of the FIFA World Cup 2010 earlier this morning makes me wonder, what could have made it possible for the Spanish team? What did they have that made them superior against the all-time favourite, Holland aka the Oranje?

If not for Paul de Octo who predicted that Spain would win the Cup and that after all his previous predictions, he was 100% correct...I think most wouldn't have imagined that Spain would have won. Why? Simply because that was the first time they ever got to the finals! People tend to be a bit did I.

I have to admit, it was rather a tough fight...physically and psychologically...Else it wouldn't have been dragged to extra time. And yet they prevailed. Amidst frustrations over frustrations from boths sides, with the tackles and the cards, they pushed on. Some people say they were lucky because they have extra men, after Holland's Heitinga was sent off with a red card. But that's not so...they have just the required no. It's Holland who has less.

Finally, they turned the impossible to I M POSSIBLE. And it was a glorious success...celebrated not only by their fans...but also by the whole country. The team, it seems, has managed to restore the pride of their nation.

Sadly, it was not all glory for Paul de Octo...

Reggie Lee : Sunday Star, July 11, 2010

Zoy : Berita Minggu, July 11, 2010

He he...But this is what's actually gonna happen to him (click on this link to view the news):

Friday, 9 July 2010

Pelajaran (Education) - Bhg. 2

Darjah 1 - Darjah 6

Ini la masa keemasan aku. Masa yang paling aku enjoy... Masa aku bersekolah di Sekolah Rendah Clifford, Kuala Lipis. Sekolah ni dekat je dengan rumah arwah Tok aku di Jalan Pekeliling tu. Jadi most of the time aku jalan kaki je ge sekolah, dengan Abang. Kadang-kadang arwah Tok hantar dengan keta 'Beetle' dia. Zaman dulu security was not a major concern. Sebab tu ler mak & ayah aku tak kisah pun kitorang jalan kaki je ke sekolah.

Bila kitorang dah pindah keluar dari rumah arwah Tok tu, kitorang tinggal kat 'Pintu 10'...satu kawasan perumahan untuk pekerja kerajaan di Jalan Orang Kaya Haji. Dinamakan 'Pintu 10' sebab rumah-rumah kat situ berkembar dua dan ada 10 buah rumah je, jadi sepuluh pintu ler. Rumah ni lebih dekat la dengan sekolah. Lagipun, ramai kawan-kawan baik aku yang tinggal di Bukit Kerani akan lalu ikut situ untuk pergi & balik sekolah.

Oleh sebab aku dah biasa di sekolah tumpang, maka bila aku masuk Darjah 1, aku tak rasa takut. Mak aku yang dok terintai-intai kat tingkap tu pun aku suruh balik. Dan aku ingat lagi, kawan pertama yang duduk sebelah aku...Tan Chee Koon, namanya. Anak seorang Doktor Haiwan.

So bila aku tengok iklan yang diarahkan oleh arwah Yasmin Ahmad 'The Love Story of Tan Hong Meng" tu, aku teringat kawan aku ni. Kitorang tak de la bercinta..but we were good friends. Dan aku rasa sejak Darjah 1 sampai la ke Darjah 6, aku sekelas dengan dia. Hmmm...aku ni bukan la bijak sangat tapi Alhamdulillah, aku selalu ada kat Kelas A. Beberapa kali gak la dapat hadiah kecemerlangan..most of the time, buku cerita la.

Aku ni agak nakal gak la kat sekolah. Tapi tak leh nak nakal sangat sebab mak aku pasang 'spy'. Selain dari Abang aku, cikgu-cikgu kat sekolah tu semuanya kenal mak & ayah aku. Maklum ler, sama-sama cikgu! So apa yang aku buat masa kat sekolah, balik rumah je mak aku dah dapat berita.

Aku rasa masa aku belajar kat sini ler aku diberi pendedahan awal tentang konsep 1Malaysia...sebab kawan-kawan aku ramai yang berbangsa Cina, India, Benggali dan Serani. Melayu tu dah tentulah kan. Dari situ jugalah aku banyak berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Selain dari tu, mak & ayah aku tak pernah larang aku masuk apa-apa acara kat sekolah - tarian ke, pementasan drama ke, nyanyian ke, berpuisi ke...mahupun sukan. Ini semua menjadikan aku seorang yang lebih berkeyakinan diri.

Bab Sukan ni, aku ada lemah sket. Sebab yang aku pandai cuma acara padang. Yang lain, hancus. Bukan apa, kat rumah aku selalu kalah dengan Abang aku tak kiralah dalam permainan badminton ke, carrom ke, chess ke, dam haji ke. So semangat aku untuk nak maju dalam bidang-bidang tu jadi kureng sket la. Tapi dalam acara padang...aku terer bab Lompat Jauh dengan acara balapan. Dalam acara balapan ni, saingan sengit aku ialah sorang budak pompuan namanya Nor Azah Ishak. Dia ni kalau bab lari-lari memang ler selalu No.1. Aku tak kisahlah sebab kitorang dalam rumah sukan yang sama - Bartlett.

Ada beberapa kenangan masa belajar kat sini yang aku masih ingat:

1. Kawan aku yang pertama tu la...yang namanya Tan Chee Koon tu. Aku pun dah tak tau dia ada kat mana sekarang ni.

2. Tak ingat masa darjah berapa...aku main kejar-kejar waktu rehat. Tetiba aku terjatuh atas batu kerikil warna merah yang memang banyak kat depan sekolah tu. Lutut kiri aku luka. Sorang Cikgu pompuan datang dan rawat aku. Dia balut luka aku tu dengan kain. Bila balik rumah, kain tu dah melekat pada luka tu. Masa mak aku cuba nak tanggalkan, sakitnya bukan kepalang. Sampai sekarang ada parut tu kat lutut aku.

Ini gambar Darjah 3 (Cikgu Abdullah). Aku..? No.2 dari kiri, depan sekali.

3. Masa aku jadi Pengawas, ada hari kena jaga Makanan Tambahan kat kantin. Seronok, sebab boleh keluar kelas awal dari biasa. Ha ha ha. Makanan Tambahan ni untuk budak-budak yang kurang berkemampuan. Selalunya ada nasi atau mi goreng dan susu kotak. Mana yang berlebih tu...Pengawas la dapat. Tak reti-reti.

4. Aku pernah 'terpeluk' sorang budak lelaki sebab terlalu gembira bila sekolah aku menang dalam satu pertandingan persembahan. Pergh! Malu giler aku masa tu. Aku ingatkan dia kawan pompuan aku, yang juga berambut pendek. Dah la tu...masa tu bebudak memang dok 'kena'kan aku dengan member neh. Hmmm...lepas dari insiden tu, dia pun menjauhkan diri dari aku. Malu ke, marah ke, aku pun tak tau. Padahal sebelum tu kitorang berkawan baik. Aku rasa sedih gak la.

Ini gambar Darjah 4 (Cikgu Shahrir). Cikgu ni pun best juga...dia ajar BM. Aku...still no.2 dari kiri, kat depan. Member aku Tan Chee Koon tu, baris depan no.2 dari kanan.

5. Masa Darjah 5, kena 'drill' dek Guru Besar masa tu - Tn. Hj. Zakaria, untuk attend kelas tambahan Matematik setiap hari Sabtu. Dia yang ajar. Tension betul! Tiapkali dia masuk kelas mesti dia buat 'spot quiz' congak. Tapi dalam bengap-bengap tu aku dapat jugalah jawab soalan dia. Satu hari tu, tak alih-alih dia panggil aku ke depan. Dia marah aku bercakap masa dia mengajar. Padahal aku dok marah budak yang duduk belakang aku sebab budak tu dok ganggu tumpuan aku. Bengang la jugak masa tu...kena rotan selepuk kat tapak tangan, depan kelas. Bengang jugak sebab budak tu tak kena!

Tapi yang bagusnya, tahun tu la paling ramai student score 5A. Dan semuanya kawan-kawan baik aku belaka. Sadly, aku kantoi subjek Sains...dapat la 4A1B. Tahun sebelum tu, sorang je student yang dapat 5A. Abang aku lak tu. Dalam tahun tu Guru Besar buat pengumuman tentang kejayaan Abang masa perbarisan, dia siap cakap "Kita harap tahun hadapan, adik dia pulak akan mencapai kejayaan yang sama". Malu giler aku dibuatnya bila tahun depan tu aku kantoi. Hu hu hu.

8 orang yang dapat 5A...semua ni kawan baik aku belaka. Tu yang ralat, sebab aku kantoi.

6. Kawan baik aku, namanya Fan Yee Kwan, cedera kat punggung kena gigit dek anjing kesayangan dia. Macamana boleh jadi, aku pun tak tau. Yee Kwan ni cantik budaknya...rambut dia ala-ala blond & curly gitu. Bila kena gigit dek anjing dia tu, selalu dia kena duduk atas kusyen, sebab tak leh nak duduk atas bangku kayu tu.

7. Ada sorang Cikgu hensem yang masih bujang mengajar kat situ...namanya Cikgu Ismail. Dan sesuai dengan nama dia, Cikgu ni memang selalu tersenyum (Smail-ling). Aku suka Cikgu tu. Nak-nak pulak masa aku dah nak blah dari sekolah tu dia sign buku autograf aku dengan "Ida yang tersayang"...seronok giler aku dibuatnya. Terharu pun ada.

8. Hari terakhir aku bersekolah di situ...baru sebulan naik Darjah 6. Sebab mak & ayah aku pindah ke Raub. Aku kena buat ucapan sket masa dalam kelas. Tapi aku rasa aku tak cakap banyak sebab aku sedih nak tinggalkan kawan-kawan yang dah lama bersama. Masa tu guru kelas aku...Cikgu Ismail tu la.

Baru-baru ni aku jumpa balik kawan-kawan lama aku tu, termasuklah member yang aku terpeluk tu. Thanks to Facebook!

Gambar lama ni aku dapat dari blog SRC. Yang tengah tu Mr. Gurmukh Singh, Guru Besar masa tu. Guru Penolong Kanan yang pakai spek hitam sebelah kiri tu namanya Mr. Patrick Fernando, merangkap Guru Disiplin. Tak pernah tak nampak dia pegang rotan. Cikgu Ismail tu no. 4 dari kanan, baris belakang sekali...sebelah Cigku Shahrir.


Akan Datang : Sek Rendah Perempuan Methodist

Pelajaran (Education) - Bhg. 1

Sambungan kepada kisah hidup aku...kali ni berkisar kepada Pelajaran yang aku terima sejak aku masih kanak-kanak, sampailah aku menjadi seorang Graduanita. Aku terpaksa bahagikan kepada beberapa bahagian sebab in total aku dah belajar kat 3 sekolah rendah, 2 sekolah menengah & 1 institut pengajian tinggi. So, lebih kurang ada 6 bahagian la... Follow...jangan tak follow...


Aku dulu tak pernah bersekolah Tadika. Oleh sebab kedua mak ayah aku Cikgu, maka aku masuk 'sekolah tumpang'. Sekolah tumpang ni maksudnya aku belum cukup umur nak masuk Darjah 1, tapi aku tumpang jugak masuk kelas Darjah 1 kat sekolah tu. Kiranya masa tu umur aku baru 6 tahun la.

Aku bersekolah tumpang kat Sekolah Kebangsaan Relong, Kuala Lipis, Pahang. Kampung Relong ni sebenarnya kat tepi jalan je...antara Kuala Lipis dengan Gua Musang. Oooo...dah berdekad aku tak pernah pegi kampung tu. So, aku pun dah tak tau macamana rupanya. Jauh jugaklah sekolah ni dengan rumah aku. Sekolahnya kecik je...semua diperbuat dari kayu....masa tu ler. Seingat aku, ada dua blok yang mengadap antara satu sama lain. Kadang-kadang, Cikgu bawak kitorang belajar kat bawah pokok. Terutamanya sesi pembelajaran lukisan. Hmm...seronok!!

Aku hilang ingatan jugaklah tentang masa aku bersekolah di situ. Maklum ler...umur dah petang. Cuma yang aku ingat, tiap hari Isnin ada perbarisan kat padang sekolah. Bila dah habis perbarisan, semua murid dikehendaki mencabut kemuncup yang tumbuh kat padang tu. Bertempiaranlah murid-murid ni semua mencabut kemuncup dengan jayanya.

Kawan baik aku masa tu ialah Marini, yang lebih mesra dipanggil Nini. Dia ni anak Guru Besar sekolah tu. Rumah dia pun kat hujung padang tu je. Kekadang bila waktu rehat aku ikutlah dia balik ke rumah dia tu. Kalau mak ayah aku ada kelas tambahan ke...aku ge la lepak kat rumah dia sementara menunggu mak & ayah aku mengajar. Mak dia baik, ayah dia, walaupun seorang Guru Besar, pun baik juga.

Walaupun sekolah ni sekolah kampung, tapi aku masih ingat keramahan penduduk-penduduk kampung tu. Mak & ayah aku selalu bawak balik hasil tanaman yang diberi oleh penduduk di situ...melalui anak-anak diorang. Dan aku ingat ada satu masa tu diorang adakan satu majlis keramaian kat padang sekolah tu. Ramai la artis-artis yang datang buat persembahan. Semua orang tengok dari atas padang tu...So malam tu dah macam pesta la kat situ.

Last but not least, kat sini ler first time aku belajar perkataan 'ghoyat' yang selalunya digunakan oleh orang Kelantan yang membawa maksud 'cakap'. Contoh: "Mek nyer aok tak ghoyat ke poleh?" (Kenapa awak tak cakap pada Polis?)...

Hmm..tu je yang aku dapat ingat pasal sekolah tumpang aku neh. I wish I can remember more.

Gambar lencana ni aku dapat dari satu blog yang dikendalikan oleh Puan Hajah Kamrosna bt. Ibrahim, yang sekarang sedang mengajar di situ.


Akan Datang : Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Clifford, Kuala Lipis